Appearing On Stage

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Author's note:

Basically, I wrote this short story for an English exam so its very short and brief. My friend gave me the idea of posting it, hence the reason it is dedicated to her. I spent hours and hours editing and re-editing this, and then had to memorise it for the exam so i hope u like it! In the end i got an A* so I'm happy :) Happy reading x



I stared at the less than beautiful woman in the mirror.

Auburn hair was scooped into a tight bun with ringlets escaping and spiralling down beside her pale face. Large brown eyes stared from behind a layer of thick black eyelashes. She blinked. An intricately detailed necklace lay around her neck, the blue topaz gem sparkling and twinkling even in the dim light. She tried a smile, exposing dazzling white teeth and rosy red lips.

I turned away from my reflection. It didn’t look like me.

Suddenly the door flew open and Cloe stalked in, looking angry. Her lovely blue eyes glowered at me and she was red with fury.

“You’re so selfish,” she hissed bitterly, so quiet it was barely audible. “Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?”

I gulped. My mouth was dry. I felt feeble and feverish; my stomach was curdling into a tight ball. “I – I don’t . . . what are you talking about?”

Impossibly, Cloe’s eyes became thinner still and she started to circle the room like a lioness about to pounce. She looked like she might attack me any second. I shrunk into my seat, afraid.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You stole my leading role in the play. I was supposed to be the bride. I was supposed to be the star.” I clutched my wedding dress protectively. The fabric was soft and soothing beneath my fingers.

“Rob gave the role to me. How could I -”

“You had to come along and ruin it all for me. You had to interfere.”

I felt hot tears stinging my eyes. “I haven’t done anything . . .”

“You’re the villain here, Rose.” Cloe cackled like a witch, making me shiver. “No one can help you now."

“What do you –”

There was a knock at the door. Cloe regained her elegant posture instantly, her hostile glare vanishing. She smiled sweetly and headed towards the door, looking for all the world as if she had just come in for a friendly chat.

“You’ll pay,” she threatened, a flash of evil returning to her eyes before she opened the door and left. A trapped sob slipped free from inside me, echoing in my small make-up room.

“Rose,” called Jasper, poking his head round the door. “You ready? It’s your scene.”

“Thanks,” I said. I brushed the last tear from my eyes and stood slowly.

Jasper held out his hand for mine, and we walked on stage like that.


“Does anyone know any reason why these two may not be wed?”

The stage was crowded. Jasper and I, the bride and groom, stood at the front, my exaggerated wedding dress trailing for metres behind me. A few of the actors sobbed into tissues.

Right on cue, Cloe stood and said, “I do.”

I turned to face her, forcing my expression into a shocked gasp. As I faked speechless panic, Jasper’s eyes thinned in outrage and he tightened his grip on my hand, even though we were only acting.

Cloe left her seat and stormed up the aisle. I felt unwanted tears trickle down my face, and cursed them away.

“It should have been me,” screeched Cloe furiously, slapping Jasper hard across the face. I let out a real gasp, because she was only meant to pretend to slap him. The left side of Jasper’s face was red. He touched it gingerly, flinching when his fingers brushed against the skin. I clenched my fist in rage to stop myself from punching Cloe.

“Please don’t do this . . .” I remembered my line, but the words came from my heart.

“He loved me. He never loved you. Never.” Cloe looked calmer and more organised now, stepping forward and taking the fake knife from her pocket.

Only it wasn’t a fake knife. It was real.

My heart raced. I let another tear run down my cheek. Cloe twisted the knife in her hand, her grin becoming more gruesome and malicious as she stepped closer. She was right beside me now. She must have been able to hear my heart beating like a trapped bird inside my chest. It was beating its last beats.

Somehow I knew it would end like this.

I screamed. The sound was harsh and sharp, breaking the nauseated silence. I wanted to escape this nightmare, but I knew I couldn’t. I was trapped in this sick reality. I buried my head against Jasper’s body, desperate to be with him in my last few minutes of life.

“Revenge is sweet,” snarled Cloe viciously. In a sudden movement she forced the knife into my body and straight through my heart. My breathing stuttered. Blood seeped through my wedding dress. Jasper’s hand left mine.

Alone forever.

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