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A/N: Hey guys!! So, idrk where im going with this story, but i feel like its gonna be good. Anyways, if you feel a desire to design cover art, message me! This is just the preface, so the actual chapters will be a lot longer, dont worry. Vote, comment and follow!! Ttyl!! The pic is of Evan and Johnathan. I take no credit for it, i can't draw that well. I feel like you might be able to guess who is who.

My name is Johnathan Wesley, I'm 16 years old, and I live in the small town of Suburbia with my Mother, Father and baby brother. I might be just like you, except that from the time I was a little boy I knew I was different. I would get visions, or premonitions, as my Dad called them. Sometimes they would come to me when I would meet someone, or touch something, but the majority of them came to me in my sleep. Anyways, this is the story of my first love, and non-coincidentally, my first heart break too.

Johnny the Teenage Psychic (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now