Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys!! So, this is the first chapter! Idk exactly where im going with this, but i feel like its gonna turn out well. Anyways, im already working on the next chapter for both of my stories, this one should be up this weekend! Toodaloo!! The picture is of Eileen, and i couldn't think of anyone better than Maria Cross for this role.

Good guys wear white hats and bad guys wear black. This is how children distinguish between good and evil. But they soon learn that bad guys don't always look so bad. And sometimes they can seem downright friendly. That is until you get to know them a little better. Sometimes the devil is the best dressed guy in the room, sometimes he is that little girl with flowers in her hair. Part of growing up is learning to look passed the fake smiles and cheerful demeanor that litters the suburbs in order to see what the child in us cannot. But, as someone who is particularly sensitive, this can come easy. My premonitions can help me see what lies behind the masks we all wear, but there is always a curse for every gift, it gets harder when feelings are blocking your sight, and so a lesson you have to learn growing up as a sensitive is how to look behind the mask, no matter how strong your feelings are.

I guess I started to realize this when I was 16, I was a sophomore at Suburbia Central High School, the same school that Evan Drake decided to transfer to. As number one in my class, and one of the most liked kids at school, I was selected to show Evan around on his first day, walk him to his classes and introduce him to some people. We instantly hit it off, becoming amazing friends in the short amount of time it took to walk from the office and through the four buildings that comprised the school. We talked about everything from what movies we liked to what his old school was like. He had told me that they had to move to Suburbia because his dad got a new job, but I knew that wasn't the reason, but I didn't pry. Sometimes family secrets are meant to remain buried, and living here in the suburbs, there are many buried pasts.

I got his phone number while walking him back to his first class, which happened to be right next to mine. I walked him in, saying hi to Mrs. Walker, my AP Calculus teacher whom lives down the street from me on Padela Way. I chatted with her a bit, explaining that Evan was the new kid in her class and how he was to wait after class for me to come get him. She nodded, telling me not to worry, and reminding me to tell my Mother, Eileen, that the pot luck social was moved from tomorrow to tonight.

I sat in my AP American Government class, not really paying attention to my teacher. Not like it matters, I have a 118% in this class. My mind wandered, landing on Evan Drake. I thought about what I had seen when he told me why they moved here. It was like a hardwood floor some scratches on it that looked like something had been dragged across it, then just screaming. Loud, really loud and terrified. I shook the thought from my head, choosing that if something had happened, I didn't want to know the truth. However, my mind stayed on him, but in a different way. I thought about his face, the way his dimples cratered in his face when he would smile, the way the muscles in his arm would clench and ripple, the way his blue jeans hugged his strong muscular legs. I thought about his thick lips, the kind that Kylie Jenner would be jealous of.

I thought about him for the rest of class, being shaken from my thoughts at the sound of the bell. I stood up quickly, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and hurrying out of class. I walked down the wing, taking a deep breath before opening the door to Mrs. Walker's room. I saw Evan waiting for me, a cocky smirk on his face.

"Come on, lets get to your next class" I said to him, spinning around to hide my blush about the thoughts that invaded my mind, but he noticed, and that is where it all began.

******After school*******

I sat on the bus, waiting to get to my stop. I wasn't too far from the school, so I was only the 5th stop. Evan sat in the seat across from me, listening to his music. His parents apparently didn't want him driving to school on his first day. I saw my stop coming up, the bus turning down Padela Way. We drove passed all of the beautifully large houses with perfectly manicured lawns and pretty white picket fences. We reached the end of our col-de-sac, pulling over onto the side, the bus driver opening the door, signaling for us to get off. I got up, walking to the door along with one other kid. That's when I heard the bus driver holler to the back of the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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