What's your story?

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"Can you please tell me your story?" Hermione looked at her daughter with the blonde hair and smiled. "Of course Lily. But I would need to have your father in here to." Lily gave a small nod to her head. "Okay. You go bring daddy here. Okay?"
"And Scorpius?"
"Yes. And Scorpius."

And not a moment to soon, Lily came in, holding the hands of her father, Draco Malfoy and her elder brother, Scorpius. "Can we get this story over and done with soon?"
"And why is that Scorp?" Draco looked at his son with his piercing grey eyes. "Because I want to go see if Heather has replied to my text yet." Hermione and Draco looked at Scorpius, and sat him down on Lily's bed. Afterwards, Draco did the same. "So Lily. What story do you want?" Draco asked her. "I want yours and mummy's love story!"
"Okay. Who shall start?" Draco turned to Hermione. "I think you should. After all, your the one who started it all."

And with that, Draco started to tell the story...

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