Chapter 17: Chocolate

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So I caught up all my projects to the end of the week just so I could write this. I was getting impatient, you were probably getting impatient, and so without further ado...


I looked in the fridge and stared at the cake sitting on the bottom shelf, questioning my own sanity. Would he be happy? I didn't know how he felt about his birthday. In fact, it was his roommates who Insisted I make a bit of a deal about it this year since Tyler never seemed to talk about it or care. They thought I might be able to change his mind about the whole thing. I didn't want to change his mind, just let him know that even if he didn't care, I did.

I was glad he was born even if he was indifferent to the occasion. Maybe it was my age, maybe it was just to see what he would do. I chuckled under my breath and brought the platter out. I carefully unwrapped it, took out plates and a sharp knife with the forks to eat it. Placing it all on a tray, I brought the whole lot out to the couch and set it down in front of him on the coffee table.

"Happy birth Ty." I waited and watched. His eyes widened and flew between mine and the decadent chocolate cake that sat before him.

"A-are you serious? When -who told you about today?" He seemed more at a loss than I had seen him since we were first dating. God it didn't feel like months, but it was. He swallowed and stared at the cake.

"Ah shit, I forgot the candle." I turned to go back to the kitchen for it but he grabbed my arm like a vise and wouldn't let go. I turned back and he pulled me down on the couch where he proceeded to climb on top of me. I was suffocated in a tight hug as he buried his face in my neck and I heard a slight sniffle. "Are you crying?"

"No. I'm not." Another sniff came from the crook of my shoulder. His face was turned away and his hair was fanned across to hide most of his features from me. I rubbed his back and grinned to myself. It was times like this that I really felt head over heels for this young man. I think he tried to wipe his snot or tears on his arm in the most inconspicuous way possible, but I noticed.

"I hope you like chocolate. That was all I could get at the bakery down by my office." I said as I grabbed the knife and handed it to him.

"Chocolate is just perfect. I don't really care. You bought me a cake." He grabbed the knife and cut us both the biggest slices I think I'd ever seen. My stomach was getting indigestion just thinking about eating all that sugar. I watched him serve us both a slice and accepted my plate and fork graciously.

I observed a young man ravenously down the cake like a starving beast, moaning in ways that had my cock twitching. I found my eyes following his fork like it was the most interesting thing in the world. When he caught me staring, his blush lit up his face like fireworks. I grinned and cleaned my fork carefully, his eyes now following my movements like laser guided missiles.

When he put his empty plate down and moved into my lap I almost sighed out loud from relief at not having to finish my slice. I put the unfinished cake on the table and pulled him close. He licked at the corners of my lips; I grinned and kissed his chocolate flavoured ones. Now this was chocolate I would love to eat all of. He opened his lips just enough to coax my tongue out. It was kind of messy, kind of kinky.

"Anything else you want for your birthday Tyler?" I whispered into the shell of his ear. Then I ran my tongue along the edge of his ear, listening to his hitched breathing as I went. It took him a few moments for him to answer with me distracting him so. Then he twisted and put his hand over my mouth. I nipped gently at the palm of his hand and he groaned.

"Stop, Chris, I can't answer you if you don't stop." I chuckled and he twisted his fingers into my growing locks. He tugged me back just enough to keep me out of reach.

"I think you are answering just fine actually." I breathed at him. Pulling his body flush against mine and rubbing his crotch into mine sensually, I revelled in his whimpers. His hands tightened and I winced from the tug on my hair. Any harder would bring tears to my eyes. I hissed as the grip bordered on painful, stirring me to push into him harder with my growing erection.

He gasped and let go. My sigh at the release of his fingers makes his eyes fly open and his fingers pet my locks back into a semblance of order. He kissed me, roughly. Then he nipped at my lip. Then he sucked gently on my tongue. I felt like a cross between a lover and a favourite puppy with all the petting I was getting. I started laughing at the thought and Ty grumbled.

I surged forward in one swift movement to bring us to our feet, and rather than stand he wrapped his legs around me and tightly gripped my neck. He was heavy but I was strong enough to carry him, barely. I rested against the wall in the hallway, hitching him up and getting a better grip on his legs. He taunted me with fleeting brushes of those kiss-plumped lips of his and my impatience grew.

I spun at the edge of the bed and fell back with a great whump. He wriggled his legs out from under my back and giggled over me like a great big kid wrestling with his best friend. Only this was better. This was interspersed with smacking kisses and pulling of clothes. This was exciting as well as fun, that every brush of our hands on skin made fire run through my veins. This was tender and rough, playful and dead serious.

I felt the seams of my pants stretch to the max as he tore at them. I felt the pop of threads as I ripped his shirt up over his head. We were too urgent for caution. Grasping hands wrapped around our hard lengths and stroked them together. Our thighs crushed each other as we moved in sync to completion. Our lips pushed and nibbled un-rhythmically while we strained against each other for release.

"More. I... want more." Tyler breathed to me. He gripped my hair and pulled the roots taught so I was forced to meet his eyes. The passion and resolve was breathtaking.

"Anything." I responded. He sighed in relief. Kissing me deeply and messing up my thoughts. Did he mean...?

"I think... I want you in me." YES!

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