Queen Grimhilde's Poisoned Mind By Chantel Cabrera

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    As a little girl I could always find some kind of understanding with villains. I know their envy like I know the darkness in my eyes? Why couldn't I have light eyes? The excessive desire to be beautiful. Women find suitable husbands to please. I want a husband so he can spend his days admire me; be enfactuated with my beauty. Most girls get to see a smooth, spry and milky-white complexion with midnight black hair, emerald eyes, and pomegranate stained lips staring back at them. Certain and confident in every thought that crosses their mind, thoughts that support them. Thin and elegant. Unlike you. I've never had the privlege. Because you don't deserve it. But why? Why am I different?
Mirrors are a reminder of how we look to everyone else. Every time someone takes a photograph of me or I find myself in my reflection, I feel sick. I've found comfort in my own cage; grown fond of it. Long sleeves and loose dark colored dresses. Quick!, cover all the mirrors. All but one.
The only friend I have and all he knows how to do is poison my mind. I can't make him stop. I don't want him to stop because his voice is enough to make me not feel alone. Even if I wanted him to, even I couldn't find a way to rip out a heart from a voice.
He reminds me of every one fairer then I. Pointing out my flaws and the parts where he can see my heart, the parts of me that wished this were real. Each comment is a dagger plunging deeper into my heart as every thought is made known even while I sleep. My servants look at me as if I've gone mad or I lost my heart, they're not wrong. Though they dare not argue with anything I order.
I begged them to pour poison in my apple tea, I pleaded til I coughed up my own blood. My screams scraping at my throat like sand paper. I could taste copper thick and warm, like old pennies as I try not to swallow.
I wake face to face with him and his gold eyes, he's beautiful. Even when he smiles at my bruises and laughs when he sees my blood. Like in a way he's surprised that Im still human.
I can't help but love him and hate him all at once.

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