Heart of fire

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Brook began to weaken in my arms due to anemia.(loss of blood)

I got out the pajamas and laid them beside her.

"Nancy?..... Nancy?" My house keeper came in. She was a 50 year old woman.

"Please dress Brook for me again. " I was not a perv and Brook had been violated so many times, I didn't want her to think she was dressed by a guy." 

I left the room and headed to sleep.

*RING RING* The alarm clock went off, so I hit it hard with my hand. Panic flooded my body as I heard a shower from Brooks room. Shit.. Shit shit shit... She would be doing it again.... I can't see her like that.... I have to stop her..

I ran along the corridor and swiftly opened the bathroom door. 


Brook was red with rage, attempting to shield her self from my eyes..... Shit... she hadn't been doing what I thought.... she was just taking a fucking shower....JEEZ.... She's gonna kill me....

I felt so bad, but I was frozen on the spot.... I couldn't move.... Brook began to get even more red, her hands were covering her breasts, but only slightly..... god dammit.....

I slammed the door closed and ran to my room, locking it.


Why didn't I fucking leave as soon as I saw she wasn't harming herself..


I was washing... it felt pointless to harm myself today... I was happy. I heard the door slam open, Andy appeared in the door way looking at my hips and wrist... great.... SHIT.....IM NAKED AND HE'S STARING AT ME!! 

He wouldn't break his stare. Why wasn't he moving...... he was looking me up and down with a face as red as a radish. He ran out, closing the door behind him....


What a perv!!!! Not to mention an unbelievably hot perv!


I sat at the table with my head down, drinking my coffee. Andy was across from me and also had his head hung low.

"S'up Ands?" Jinxx gave Andy a smug look from the other side of the table.


Jake, who was sitting next to me, leaned in an whispered something in my ear

"Your looking a little rough... If you wanna talk, I'm here..." His sweet remark made me smile. I turned to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks Jake"

The other band members were surprised by my actions. They were staring at the blushing Jake. Andy, looked up and winced... hah... jealous much?

"Jake, what did you tell her?! I wan't to say it too, SMOOCHY SMOOCHY" Ash was making kissy faces at me. I laughed.


Brook may not just be limited to crushing on one guy ;p wink wink

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