Chapter 7

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"No, I'm sorry you must be wrong," and with that Emma bursted through the door and just ran.

Before she knew it she was on the ground, face in the soggy dark mud. Stars quickly surrounded her fuzzy eyesight and she went unconscious, just like that.

She woke up with a pounding headache beating in her like a drum. Looking around, her location was a mystery. Suddenly, a man stepped into the room, smirking in satisfaction. She cried out as her eyesight because clear enough to realize it was Hook.

"Did you think you could get away that easily, love?"


"Goodbye lad, ill be back soon, and I promise I will bring your mother home." Killian whispered, kissing Henrys head before making his way to the Jolly Roger. The boy had really grown on him in the last month.

Killian stepped onto his ship, feeling a brief moment of jealousy of his pirate life, but as quick as it had come it was gone again and Killians feelings for Emma replaced them.

"So pirate how long will it take us to get there?" complained Grumpy.

"Are you serious dwarf? We haven't even left the port yet and your already complaining about time. Is there somewhere you have to be?"

"Yah away from you. Now sail away before we change our minds about this." Grumpy grunts.

Killian sighs in annoyance but shuts his mouth, he didn't need this backfiring on him. Not now with Emma's life on the line. As they started to sail, he threw the bean into the water. With a tiny splash, a huge domain opened to them and he couldn't help but flashback to the Neverland trip, but this time he wasn't spending that time on the ship with his family and friends, instead he was with a bunch of annoying dwarfs who just so happened to never shut the hell up, especially happy.

The blue portal swirled around and the ship became consumed by it, coming out into a beautiful sea, the one he had sailed on many times before. Now it was time to find his wife, before it was to late.


"Why the hell did you kidnap me?" Emma asked, tied up once again to her displeasure.

"Because love, you are beautiful, and I need a maid."

"I...but I'm..." Emma couldn't say the word, still not at terms with the whole situation.

"Yes yes I know about that dilemma love. Was the father that ''friend" that was tagging along?"

"Its none of your business." she spat at him.

To her surprise he grabbed her by her hair and yanked it. She cried out in pain.

"You will not speak to me that way love, or their will be consequences." he tightened the ropes holding her arms together enough where her shoulders were about to pop from their sockets. Why was he doing this? Then she remembered who she was dealing with. Not Killian Jones; Captain Hook, and if he wanted to fight dirty, then it was on. Dumbass didn't even check her for magic, her most powerful weapon. She had to recite the rules in her head though. No magic, unless life threatening situations.

She decided to sleep, she couldn't escape his ropes, they were too strong, she decided that when she awoke she would have enough energy to cut the ropes with her magic. Nobody came for food, or water, she was starving and sleeping was her only escape. When she arose, the adrenaline was pumping in her. 'He will not hurt my baby' she thought, 'I must escape with my unborn child, and I must find my husband.' she was determined to escape. She flicked her wrist up and down enough times to saw the rope in half with her magic. When she was untied, she got up from the hard floor and stretched bit.

'Why am I always getting kidnapped?" she sighs before sneaking out the door.

There was a tiny room next to the one she was just in and a hallway right in front of her. She took the hallway seeing she wanted to leave not stay. She climbed up the stairs, rounding the corners to be less obvious about escaping. She wanted to make it out alive, not for herself, but for the child growing inside her now. It wasn't just hers, it was Killians, and hed be devastated if anything happened to his unborn child. Emma took in a deep breath. All these crazy things happening to her, and she wasn't even in tears, she was more powerful than she looked, which was an advantage especially when she was trying to escape confinement.

She arose to a deck, probably the main deck since she could see the sky. She wasn't sure what to do, there was no doubt Hook wouldn't be up there. She needed to run, so she did. She revealed herself from her hiding place and ran upon the deck, trying to dodge the flailing pirates who couldn't catch a small, pregnant woman. Pathetic.

She looked back behind her to make sure nobody was on her tail. The impact into a hard object knocked her to the ground though before she could get anywhere. Holy shit this guy was everywhere. Well this is not good, she thought to herself, but her thoughts were interrupted by the dreaded, booming, words that escaped the captains lips.

"I thought you had learned your lesson the first time. You will be punished." smirking, he grabbed her by the throat and started to drag her to Captains Courters.

Finally, Killian and the dwarves reached land. Stepping off the ship, Killians blue eyes scoped in his surroundings. He missed the feeling of being serene.
"Come on men! We're here!"
Killian started pushing his hooks into the shrubs that exit the beach to guide a pathway until a old woman stopped him in the little part of the trees.

"You may not know me, but I know you, and I know your wife, Emma who is in greater danger than you know."

"I'm listening."

"She's stuck in another era. One you know all to well."

"But--how--what danger is she in?"

"She's under ruled by a gruesome pirate, you of course, but not this you. The ruthless pirate who is selfish and self serving, but there is a much greater siege you should be worried about."

"An--and what would that be?" Killian cries out.

"Your love--she's pregnant."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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