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As the door closed, Marinette and her Kwami Tikki turned to see the green Turtle Kwami Wayzz.

"My name is Master Fu, and this is my Kwami Wayzz." Said the old man while his kwami flew back to him, by his side.

"You like Chat-Noir and I?" Asked Marinette.

"Of course he is Marinette!" Said Tikki. "Nice to see you again Wayzz!"Said Tikki, flying over the the other Kwami.

"So, Marinette is it?" Said Master Fu. "Why are you here?"

"Well, its about this book about the Miraculous." Says Marinette, showing the book.

Wayzz flys to the book, and Marinette opens the book up for the tiny kwami. Wayzz looks through the book, as does Master Fu. Tikki looks over Marinettes shoulder to see the reaction. However, their faces stayed the same as they did when they came in. 

"What does it mean?" Asked Tikki.

"Its the book that shows the basic powers of the Miraculous." Replied Master Fu.

"Basic Powers?" Asked Marinette. "Meaning there are more powers?"

"Yes." Replied Master Fu. "There are seven more books. Each one is taking about only one of the Miraculous harder powers, or more secret powers. The kwami are not aloud to tell us these powers since we have to learn them our-selfs, or we have to asked the kwami for help how to use them. The kwamis can even have a rough idea where the other kwamis are. However, if they are in the say-to-be in the same room, or even buildng, they can't know."

This was going too fast for Marinette. Did that mean Tikki knows who Chat-Noir is? Does Chat-Noir's kwami know who she was?! The stress of all of this was caming in fast.

"Wait, who gave me Tikki and my earings then?" Asked Marinette. "And how many of the other miraculous are being used?"

There was a long pause.

"Is there something wrong Master Fu?" Asked Tikki.

Master Fu sighs. "Back in the day before you were born, where your parents were teens like you, a boy shined out than all the rest. His name was Gabriel Agreste."

"Gabriel Agreste?!" Said Marinette and Tikki, shoucked.

"Gabriel just entered his fashion designer area." Said Master Fu. "I thought the peacock miraculous would be great for him. However, he only used and weared it once. He didn't like the idea of risking his life. However, he forgot about its power when he married his now missing wife, and gave it to her as a gift. She went missing, leaving the miraculous behind. Now Gabriel wants to resarch as much as he can of them to see what happened."

"So Gabriel thinks the miraculou had something to do with it?" Asked Marinette.

"Afread so." Says Master fu.

"And now he has found out who Chat-Noir" Said Wayzz. "Luckly, we know he won't hurt him."

"What does that subpost to mean?" Asked Marinette, questioning the kwami. 

"I am afread but we need to cut this short, but I believe some one is watching us." Says Master Fu, he looks out the window to see Chat-Noir. 

"CHAT-NOIR?!" Screamed Marinette and Tikki. Not knowing the Cat was listening in was shocking to them, and the fact he found them.

Chat-Noir's eyes looked like he was just betrayed. His head goes off the Marinette and Tikki rush to the window to look for the cat, but see him already gone. The gilt falling over Marinette was dark and heavy. Tikki notices this on her human friend and was already pushing Marinette out the door. 

"I am afread we mast be going." Says Tikki. "Good afternoon Master Fu, and to you too Wayzz" 

Marinette opens up her bag so Tikki can go inside it to hide. As they leave, and close the door, Marinette tries to think happy thoughts, so then the evil Hawk Mouth doesn't send out one of his Akuma's out for her. She puts the book into her backpack, and walks home, not knowing of the black cat following her. 

The cat known as Chat-Noir did not hear of the convulsion, but did see Tikki. Whatever they where talking about, he knew it was about the book. He thought Ladybug mast of found the book from Volpina, and was wanting to know more about it. However, now knowing the Ladybug was a girl in his class that just so happened to sit behind him as well was kinda of a shouck to him. He knew Marinette and finding out a boy in her class was Chat-Noir would kinda upset her. 

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