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June 28.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Yay! It's pretty sad that the school keeps running until almost July, but we go back at the end of September, so I guess it's ok.

Me and Brandon have been officially dating for who knows how long.

I feel really weird today. I keep accidentally looking down to Brandon's lower region, and my heart starts pounding. Not the usual pounding, like when Brandon kisses me or does something super ADORABLE, but different. I caught him watching some gross stuff on his phone last week. He was pretty wired for the rest of that day, and even got all skittish when our bio teacher called on him.

He was like

"I-I No! I wasn't!....." and then he saw that he was in bio and he got super embarrassed. When we were back at my locker he asked me if he had yelled out anything inappropriate in class. I had told him no, but he was still pretty jumpy. I'm sitting in my locker, trying to ignore Makenzie singing I'm A Slave 4 U to herself and applying about 32 layers of her Lusciously Lustful Lavender lip gloss. Brandon walked up and smiled at me. "Hi Nikki. I was just wondering if-"

"BRANDON!" Makenzie squealed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and beamed at him.

"I was just wondering if you like my lip gloss. It tastes like Hic Lemonade. An apsouloutly refreshing sensation! Would you like to try?"

She leaned in for a peck on the lips, but Brandon quickly ducked out of her arms and she ended up kissing the new boy, Tony Jorgensen. He was pretty nerdy, always obsessing over Pokemon, Minecraft, Roblox, and Star Wars. He blushed and grinned from ear to ear. A jock managed to take a picture. Makenzie shoved Tony away, but a big glossy lip mark was left on his cheek. He wobbled away, obviously lovestruck. 

She wheeled around and glared at me, wiping he mouth vigorously with her designer hot pink handkerchief. 

"Ugh! Nikki, you selfish PIG! You pushed Brandon out of the way so he couldn't kiss me like he wanted too! You are so jealous because Brandon wants ME, not some gross, geeky DIARY OBSESSED freak!" With that she stormed off, not even bothering to shut her locker.

Brandon smiled at me and rolled his eyes. I giggled. 

"Now, what were you wondering about, Brandon? Before Miss Beauty Pagent came over here?"

"Oh! Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you in private. I wanna ask you something."


We went to the janitors closet to talk. Brandon locked the door behind us for some reason. He turned around and looked at me strangely. 

"Nikki, you look absolutely ravishing today."

He walked towards me, staring at me intensely. 

"Um, t-thank you, Brandon."

My knees started to turn to jelly.

I backed into the wall. I was having a major RCS attack, except like a million times worse.

He traced my jawbone with his fingers and kissed me passionately. I kissed back. He started to slide his fingers down my chest. He stopped when he hit my teeny tiny boobs. God I was so flat chested! He pinched my barely-qualified-as-boobs-boobs and I moaned. He started to massage them. He took his lips off my lips and whispered in my ear,

"Will you have sex with me?"

"Yes." I sighed. Then I realized I wasn't exactly taking everything into account.

"But what will I tell my parents? They're coming to pick me up soon!"

"Just tell them that you'll be helping me at Fuzzy Friends for a few hours."

"B-but where will we do it?"

"There's an old concession stand out by the baseball fields. Its pretty well hidden, and there's a couch inside. That's all we need." 

"Do you have protection?"

"Yeah. It's actually birth control. I don't like condoms."

"Ok. Lemme have it."

He dug through his backpack and took out a small bottle of pills. 

"I don't know how many I should take."

I said.

"Just take one. That should do the trick."

I popped one in my mouth and chewed it up. It tasted like a Tums Antacid.

I pulled out my phone.

Me: Hey mom. I'm going to help out at Fuzzy Friends for a few hours. I'll call you when I need to be picked up.

Mom: Ok sweetie! Have fun! You need to be home by 7:30 for dinner though!

"What are you gonna tell your parents Brandon?"

He flinched.

"I'll just text them I'll be running a little late. We'll need to make this quick, Nikki. Lets go."

He opened the door to a mostly deserted hallway. Makenzie was fast walking away from us though, her designer heels clipping on the linoleum floors. A few girls were walking down the hallway in a huddle whispering about something. As they passed by, I caught The words, 

"I heard Brady got his girlfriend's virginity last week."

"Ugh! She's so lucky! He's so sweet, and tall, and muscular-"

"Shh! It's just a rumor!"

Brandon grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. We started walking throught the woods right to the left of the entrance. It was wonderful out, but really muggy. I was panting by the time we got to the little building. It was small, and seemed like it had been built a million years ago. Vines, Raspberry bushes, and thorns were winding around and over it. It was pretty creepy looking. Brandon pushed the little door open to reveal a pretty nice room. The place was in mint condition except for a few pine needles on the floor and one broken window. Totally taking up one side of the room was a big couch. It looked pretty inviting.

"How do you know about this place? It looks like a big pile of underbrush from the outside."

"The jocks call this place 'The Make out Hut'. It's where they take their girlfriends and, well, make out."

I sat down on the couch and started to unbutton my shirt. I was surprised to find that I wanted this just as much as Brandon, maybe even more. I took off my shirt nervously to reveal my tiny little bra. It was an underwire bra, but I don't even know why I had it. There was nothing to support. Brandon had gone to a corner and was undressing too. I peeked inside of my bra cup. Hmmm. Maybe I was a little bigger than I thought.

Brandon had taken off his shirt, revealing a scrawny but muscular frame. He pulled off all of his clothes, and I almost had a major panic attack. I don't want to describe all of him, because if Brianna ever 'accidentally' read my diary, I didn't want her to repeat anything to my mom or dad. I choked back tears and buried my face in a ratty pillow. I felt Brandon's arms wrap around me as he buried his face in my hair. He whispered comforting words into my ear for a little while, then coaxed the pillow away from my face. He wiped the tears off my face and kissed me. I worked off the rest of my clothes and crossed my arms over my chest. I tried to look anywhere except down as Brandon gently pried my arms away. Unfortunately, the thought was too tempting. I peeked down to see his booming, straight as a pencil erection. I gasped and shied away from him.

"Nikki. Don't worry. I won't hurt you. And if you even feel one thing that hurts, you just tell me and I'll stop, ok?"

I nodded nervously. 

He sat down on the opposite side of the couch and laid back on his elbows. I stared at his thang like no tomorrow.

"Ummm...so, what now?"

I mumbled.

"Just lay back, relax, and enjoy the show."

Brandon said, slowly crawling on top of me. I stared into his milk chocolate brown eyes as a piercing pain shot through me.

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