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I sighed and opened my eyes. Brandon and I were laying on the couch. I started as I remembered what had happened and scrambled to look at my watch.
OMG Brandon and I must have fallen asleep!
I leapt up to find that I was an absolute MESS. Brandon groaned and rubbed his eyes.
I shook him awake and practically SCREAMED in his ear,
He sat up and streched.
"Calm down! We can use the gym showers. I have the key since I'm a part of the school newspaper. Hurry and we can get you to Furry Friends in no time flat."
I hurredly put on my clothes then we snuck into the school. I jumped into a DISGUSTING shower and hurredly scrubbed myself clean, then dried off and re-dressed. I heard Brandon's phone ringing. He picked it up warily.

"Yeah, hi gran....!!"

He put his phone to his chest and franticly whispered,
"Your mom is at Fuzzy Friends!!! Hurry up!!!"
I scrambled into my shoes and stood expectantly at the door.

He put his phone back to his ear.
"We're just taking a walk. We'll be back soon!...ok gran. Love you! Bye."
He hung up and ran out the door, pulling me along. We sprinted to Fuzzy Friends and went in the back door. The dogs started barking their heads off. I brushed myself off and walked as nonchalantly as I could into the lobby. My mom was sitting in a chair with Brianna in her lap, reading her a story.

"Hi mom!" I gasped.

"Hi sweetheart! We better hurry home or else your father is going to eat all of the food by the time we get back!" She said cluelessly.

I nodded, kissed Brandon goodbye, and hopped in the car with mom.

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