Chapter 29

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Harry must have fallen asleep because he wakes up on his back in the middle of the bed, the room brighter as a line of sunlight cuts through the gap in the curtains to stripe across his chest.

‘How long was I out?’ he asks as Zayn kisses a line along his jaw.

‘Few minutes.’ Zayn nips at his chin with his teeth. ‘While I was in the bathroom.’

Before Harry can catch his breath, Zayn is on top of him, tongue sweeping along his bottom lip. Harry smiles slowly, opening his mouth with another sigh, letting his tongue flick out to meet Zayn’s. As soon as he does, Zayn makes that sound again and they melt into it, Harry wrapping his legs around his waist as they kiss lazily.

It’s sweaty and sticky, their skin catching as they explore one another, Harry’s finger running up and down the seam in Zayn’s back as he tells him to lie down. Zayn surrenders with a soft mewl, letting Harry push him back onto the bed, his body twisting as Harry straddles him and leans down to lap at his nipple with his tongue. He does the same with his other nipple, moving between each one over and over until Zayn is groaning and the skin around his hairline is wet.

He moans Harry’s name, wriggling underneath him when Harry takes his left nipple between his teeth and pulls. Harry guesses that Zayn didn’t know he liked that because his eyes fly open and his head lifts off the bed to look at him, his head falling back again when Harry does the same with his right one. Harry rolls his other nipple between his forefinger and thumb as he does, which makes Zayn bite out his name as Harry feels Zayn’s cock twitch against his thigh.

He moves his mouth lower then, tonguing each of Zayn’s tattoos tenderly before kissing a line across his stomach. Zayn lifts his hips with a moan when he does and Harry can’t bear to tease him any more, taking his cock in his hand and stroking him. Zayn responds immediately, his cock twitching again as Harry feels him begin to get harder and harder under his fingers until that first pearl of precome emerges. Harry licks it away, listening to him groan as he takes him in his mouth. Zayn fists his hands in Harry’s hair again as he does, sighing his name as Harry curls his fingers around the base of his cock and starts to suck him off, slow and smooth, working his hand and mouth at the same time until Zayn’s other hand is pulling at his hair as well.

‘Don’t stop,’ Zayn pants, reluctantly letting go as Harry moves between his legs. Harry just smiles as he lies on his stomach in front of him, hooking Zayn’s thighs onto his shoulders then guiding his cock back into his mouth with his hand. Zayn murmurs contently when he does, his hands reaching for his hair again as Harry sucks on him lazily, as though he’s a truffle he’s trying to savour the taste of. And it works because Harry can feel him melting, Zayn’s body going limp until his eyes are closed and Harry can feel the muscles in his stomach tensing and releasing under his palm as he sucks him in as deeply as he can. Zayn stutters a string of fucks when Harry deepthroats him, his own cock getting hard at Zayn filling him up until he can’t hold his breath any more.

Harry comes up for air with a desperate gasp, a strand of saliva falling across his chin as he does. He wipes it away with the back of his hand before closing his eyes and taking Zayn in his mouth again, sucking a little harder this time, hard enough to make Zayn hiss and pull at his hair. When Harry stops, Zayn lets out a long sigh as he leans down to lap at his balls and starts stoking him idly with his hand. Harry can’t help but smile as he does because it’s never been like this, both of them giving into it, hands skimming over hips and nails catching on skin with an ease they’ve never allowed themselves before, Harry’s head bobbing eagerly between his legs in time with his hand – up, twist, down, up, twist, down – again and again until Zayn is shaking beneath him.

‘Fucking take it,’ he says through his teeth when he comes, holding his head still. And while it’s never been the most pleasant sensation – a guy coming in his mouth – Harry swallows greedily, his cheeks hollowing until Zayn is whimpering at him to stop. He does, but only for long enough to suck in a breath and wipe his mouth before lifting Zayn’s cock with his hand and licking under it, from the tip to the base. Zayn’s hands tug at his hair when Harry takes his balls in his mouth, his ass rising off the bed, and while Harry’s sure he doesn’t mean it that way, Zayn gives him such a perfect view of his perineum that he can’t help but lick it.

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