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RedVactor is red,
Squids are blue,
Max is angry,
Dear God, help me and you.

Hey Max, I heard you went to PAX. So does that make you PAX!Max? I bet you're mad right now, so does that make you Mad!PAX!Max? I remember someone saying you seem smarter than everyone. So you would be Facts!Mad!PAX!Max? I think Adam said something about you gaining weight, so then that makes you Mass!Facts!Mad!PAX!Max! Say if you were angry, I bet the weapon you would use on me is an axe. So. . . Axe!Mass!Facts!Mad!PAX!Max? Hmm, if you were to play a game would you play jacks? So you would be Jacks!Axe!Mass!Facts!Mad!PAX!Max? I heard you like Undertale, did you know there is an ACT button? So if you use the ACT button would you be Acts!Jacks!Axe!Mass!Facts!Mad!PAX!Max! I bet you can't say all that six times fast! ;)

Please forgive me, I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I have school tomorrow and I have homework to do and it's 1:33 am-

HAH! IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!!1!!1!!!!!!!!1!11111

Everything is necessary in MooVooDoo.

The Mad!Max Mithzan TriologyWhere stories live. Discover now