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Over the next few weeks, not much happened, but I'll give you a summary. The rest of the play got blocked, I returned to Zelena's house to help with the baby every day after school, and I continued to be loved by my large and ever-growing family. Then the sky fell.

"Alright everyone! Let's start with the White Rabbit scene. Amber, Addy, get up on stage!" Mrs. Baker says. I know my lines so well I don't even have to think about what I'm doing. Instead, I think about how similar Mrs. Baker and Maggie are. My eyes follow Addy as she leaves the stage, and suddenly I see it. I hear the next line said, "Suddenly Alice felt herself falling," and I actually do fall off the stage.

Because I just saw Caleb and Rose kissing backstage.

Once Upon a Time- Regina's Daughter: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now