Chapter 3- Helping

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Chapter 3- Helping.

Russell P.O.V

I woke to hear screaming. I looked at the clock. It was two in the morning. I jumped out of the bed and ran into Holly's room. She was laid face down. She was still screaming, however it was muffled by the pillow. I sat at the edge of the bed and gently nudged her. "Holly. Wake up." She jumped. She turned and looked at me.

"S-sorry if I woke y-you." She stuttered.

"No it's fine. Are you ok?" She shook her head.

"Nightmare, yet again. I thought I would be use to them by now."

"Do you have them often?"

"Yeah. Nearly every night since I was ten." She said. That must be terrible. I couldn't imagine how it felt.

"Do you want to talk about it? I hear it helps."

"Ok." I moved so that I was sat next to her. "It starts at the end of my dads funeral and I'm walking back home with mum. We stop near the woods. All of a sudden she starts shouting at me, saying its all my fault that dads dead. Then I am in the middle of the woods where my dad is. He says it is all my fault. He then runs at me and I scream. I don't know what happens then. I always wake up." She said. Tears were in her eyes.

"I can't send you back home." I said. She looked at me. "I can't send you back to your mum. You're twenty six and she is controlling you. You can say here."

"But what about my job?" She questioned.

"You can work with me on Good News. Help me find interesting news stories."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a pest."

"Yeah. I think I need the company. The house is big enough anyway." Holly smiled.


"No problem. Tomorrow we will get you some new stuff and a dream catcher." Holly laughed.

"Why are you doing this? No one has ever wanted to help me." She said.

"I can't send you back. You might as well leave your stuff at your house. I will buy you some new things."

"I feel bad now. I can buy my things."

"How about half and half. I will buy some things and you can buy some stuff."

I could see Holly thinking. "Ok. You don't have to though."

"I know. But I want to." I smiled.

Holly P.O.V

I felt bad knowing that Russell wanted to buy me all the things I need. I really appreciated it though. My phone then bleeped.

I pulled it from under my pillow. I looked at it. It was a message from my mum. 'Where the fuck are you? Have you left. Never come back, ever! Not even for your things!'

I started to shake. Russell looked at my phone.

"First thing we do tomorrow is get you a new phone." He said taking the phone out of my hand and placing it on the bedside cabinet. "I think you best get some sleep. And don't worry about anything."

I nodded. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I felt Russell gently stroke my arm.

Russell P.O.V

Holly soon dozed off. I got up and walked to my room. I laid under the duvet. I thought how much I might be helping Holly and how no one had ever helped.

When the thoughts passed I soon fell asleep.

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