A Unforgettable Moment

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"Drake come back here you need a bath" I screeched because my son was running away from my grapes "Drake Ender Night come here now" nope he keeps running away from me "DRAKE come here" oh no not the magi libbary, he ran inside "Ergggggg DRAKE" I screeched as I ran after him.
I ran in side as I swiftly grabbed my son and walked out "drake your not aloud in there with out me" I said to drake as he touched my Ender ear "drake its time you had a bath "nooooo but they hurt please daddy don't give me a bath!" he whimpered "drake you now that they don't hurt vary much its Ender dew remember Drake" I said as I petted his small Ender ear as I walked into the bathroom turning on the water letting my hand barely touch the tub but the water as it turned a lavader color. Soon I placed drake in as he flinched for a sec then I was able to place the bubbles soup in the water as he played with it allowing me to place some on his hair as I washed it then I placed my human hand on his human side of his face stroking it "ok drake im going to run the water again because I have to get the Ender dew out of your brown hair here you can hold my hand ok" I said to him as he took my hand and nodded. I looked at his eyes seeing his blue and purple Ender eyes "its ok drake it won't take long im just getting your hair ok" I said suthing him down "ok mehan " I placed my hand on the nob then turned it on as tears came to his eyes from the pain the water brouth to his tiny form "its ok drake it will be over soon" I said as the water brushed agents his chocolate hair as I took his hair and got the soup and Ender dew out of his short hair soon he was standing completely in the water as it washed his body while I wash his tiny hands so they were soft then I turned the water off and pulled him out of the tub taking a towel and getting all the water off then dried a little of his hair "come on drake lets get some cloths on you and get your hair comed" do I grabex his clothing I had picked and placed it on him "daddy can I have a cloak like yours" drake asked me "sure I can get you one then its off to the fishing pond and to train your magic a little bit ok" drake nodded as he ran out the door and hugged Tracy his mother "hey honey how are you" she said smiling at him "good mommy" he squealed as my wife pecked my cheek "come on drake i have to coom your hair " i said grabing his favorite com and started to gently stroking his fragile brown semi long hair as he looked at his lavender magic particles and oral "ok drake all done" I said as he started to jump around me "ok lets go get a cape for you my little Enderling" drake claimed onto my shoulders as we walked out the door and to the store "daddy look at this one" he said holding onto a black and blue one "drake look they have one that looks like mine in your sizes" I said holding it out for drake to see "that one mehan" he said jumping back on my shoulders "2 marks for the cape sirs im guessing its for this little fellow here" I nodded giving the coins to her "yep its for him that right drake" I said "yay!!!" he said as he held my Ender ear again "well here are some stuff for free since you are training him your self right Mehan" she said grabing a box with drakes name on it "yes I am" I nodded "well you better get to your fishing place before dark" she said waving good bye to me as I walked out as I neled down to drakes height putting the cape on his shoulder then putting the red circle conncter on pulling the hood down as he hugged me "thank you daddy" he let go as I took his hand walking out of the magic library and gave drake his fishing pole as we started to fish for dinner.
A few hours later I layed down as he cuddled next to me as we looked at the shooting stars and the lightspirte that lived here having a good time of there lives but soon I heard drakes lightsnores letting me have some good quality time with my son man when he sleeps its so cute like you just want to put a bonny suit on him and sneak a pick or too but soon it was 12 am so I decided it was time to go home "come on drake we have to eat dinner" so we walked into the mountain ready to fall asleep once done with dinner.

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