Hunger Games High

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Clove's POV

"C'mon Clove we're gonna be late!" My cousin Katniss said. I just moved here yesterday in the middle of the school year. My parents were murdered so my Aunt Paula made me move in with her and my cousins Katniss and Prim. Today I start a whole new school but Katniss said she would be with me. I grab a banana and eat it. "Ready Katniss! Meet you in the car!" I say and head out the door. I get in her car and wait for her. She finally arrives and drives to school. When we get there she tells me to follow her so I do. She leads me to a small room. "This is the office. Get your books them meet out there" "Ok" and with that she steps outside. "Hello how may I help you dear?" says a lady with pink hair. "Umm Im Clove, Im the new student." "Alright here are your books and your locker number is 223 Have a good day" she says while handing me books. I go out of the room to see katniss and some other kids. "Katniss....." I say to her. "Oh Clove these are my friends. What locker number are you?" she replies. "223." She smiles when I tell her. "Awesome!!! Mine is next to yours. Come on I'll show you." I smile. "Ok what are your classes" she leads me to my locker. "Oh I have math first" I put my books in. "Ohh me too!" I say. The kids who I saw earlier are now here. "I never got there names" I say to Katniss. "Oh yeah I'll tell you a lunch we have class." With that she and her friends leave. Wow she must not me to meet them. I walk down the hall while on my phone and bump into someone. "Watch it!" I say. I look up to see a blonde. Her hair was amazing! And her clothes! "Wow amazing hair!!" I say. She smiles at me and says "Glimmer and you are?" "Clove" I say. Glimmer whispers to one of the two other girls. She smiles. "I have English now sit with me in lunch" She says. I nod forgetting about Katniss.

   During my classes I don't pay attention. When lunch comes I get excited. I get my lunch and find Glimmer. "Hey Clove glad you made it! This is Madge and Cashmere. We're considered the cool girl here and we thin you should join us!" Glimmer says to me. I smile and say "I would love to!" "Great!! After school meet at my car. Its the only gold car here." "Will do! Oh got to go. Later!" I say.

          After school I go to Glimmers car. She and the girls are already there. I try to walk over there but Katniss stops me. "Katniss!! move!! " I tell her but she doesn't. "No those girls are bad ne-" "No there not! There my friends so just leave!" I push her out of my way. I make my way to Glimmer. "What took so long?" She asks. "Katniss told me not to hang out with you but shes just stupid and jealous of us" I say. Glimmer nods and gets into the car after I do. We get to her house "I'll be back Im getting money." We nod. we sit in silence until she gets back. " Everyone gets 100 each." Glimmer hands us each a 100 dollar bill. "I usually use 400 but I can live" I say with a frown. "Sorry my dad only gave me 400 usually I get more. Lets go!" With that we ride in her gold convertible with the radio blaring. When we get to the mall we stop by the food plaza and eat. We sit down at a table and eat. I thought  I saw Katniss and her friends but ignored it.

  Katniss' POV

  Me, Peeta, Finnick, Annie, Cato, Marvel, and Johanna are at the mall getting some lunch when we see Clove with Glimmer and her friends. "Katniss! isn't that your cousin?!" asked Annie. I was speechless. She cant hang out with them. I just kept staring. "Uh-- Umm Lets go." I say. When we get out of the mall I scream. " I CANT BELEIVE MY OWN COUSIN WOULD BE FRIENDS WITH THOSE FREAKS!!!!" I scream. I can't hold back my anger!

  Clove's POV

         Katniss runs out of the mall and I laugh. Glimmer looks at me "Katniss and her little friends ran out of the mall! HA." Glimmer laughs too. " Wow crybabies now lets get you some dresses there's a party at Cashmere's place everyone in school is going"

 After shopping I go home. I go straight to my room and pick out my dress for tonights party. I take a shower then get ready. My dress is silver with sparkles all over it. My hair is down and I'm wearing silver heels. I go downstairs and see dinner is done. "I'm going to a party at my friends house an here will be food there. Oh Aunt Paula can I borrow your convertible?" I say to my rich aunt. She nods and tosses me the keys. "Oh  I think Katniss is going maybe you should ride together?" She asks "Umm I'll go alone its fine" I say and leave.

  When I reach Cashmere's I go inside and look for Glimmer. "Hey Clove! Have a drink!" She says handing me a drink. I take it and drink it. "Ohhhh guys lets play Truth or dare! Go sit in a circle and I'll gotta get something!" Cashmere says. Everyone sits in a huge circle. I sit by Glimmer and Madge. I see that Katniss and her friends are across from me. Cashmere come back with four bottles of beer. I steal one and me, Glimmer and Madge share. "Okay so if you do a dare you take a shot. There are no rules. Lets begin!! I'll start first. Clove truth or dare?" I don't think and say "DARE BABY!!" Cashmere grins. "Hhehehehehe I dare you to..... run naked and jump into the pool!" I grin. I strip down and run into the pool. "Its warm! Come join me!" I shout. Glimmer jumps in. "Ahh your right. Lets get back to the game though." Glimmer says. I groan but get out. I get my clothes back on and sit in the circle. "Ok My turn! Hmmm Katniss truth or dare?? " I giggle. "Ummm umm I guess dare." She says. I smirk. "I dare you and Gale to make out in the closet!" Gale stands up and smirks. Katniss looks scared. I giggle as I watch Gale and Katniss go to the closet. "That was smart you are the groups new co-leader "I smile "Thank you Glim" I say. Cashmere looks proud and Madge does to. "Hey Clove look at the football team captin, hes staring at you. " I look at him and realize he is Katniss' friend. "Glim we need him to hang out with us" I demand. Glimmer looks at me and smiles "My turn since Katniss is.....busy. Cato truth or dare?" Glimmer says. I smile. He looks at us suspiciously . "Truth" He says and my smile fades. "Don't worry I got this" Glimmer whispers to me. "Ok who in this room would you date?" Glimmer smirks. "Uummm I would uhh um OH I think I gotta go later." He stands up and leaves. "Party pooper"  Glimmer says. "Yea I gotta go home or my Aunt will kill me." I stand up and leave.

  I get home and go straight to my room. I get into pajamas and go straight to bed.

**Hey I'm new at this so I probably messed I up somehow just ignore it and enjoy the story!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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