Drama Queen (part 3)

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                                I get into class, hearing kids whispering to each other. Then people notice I came into the class and silence is all I hear. Soon after, the normal everyday bad kids(also potheads) burst through the door interrupting the silence. They walk over to the back table beside me. It's obvious that I have been crying, you can just tell by the puffiness of my eyes that makes it look as though I have pink eye. My voice is hoarse I have the look of anger and regret on my face. The feeling of staring at me interrupts my thoughts. Turning around, I see my instincts were correct. The whole class was staring at me.I stare back at them. They all look away when the teacher walks in. "Good afternoon class." he says. "Good afternoon Mr. Grunthorn." said the three top A+ students (mainly known as Teachers Pets, Kiss Asses, and The Goody Goody Kids)

"I assume you all did your homework I assigned last night." said Mr. Grunthorn.

The whole class groans. But my thoughts block that out.I remember I was going to do my homework at lunch but I ran to the bathroom crying and ended up accidentally leaving it on the bench.

"Dang it!" I blurt out.

All eyes dart to me, I cover my mouth in embarrassment.

"Is there a problem Juliet?" Mr. Grunthorn asks me.

"Uh no no, I'm fine." I say nonchalantly.

"And with that let's begin. Switch papers to correct." I hear Mr. Grunthorn say.

"I'm screwed." I say under my breath.

Mr. Grunthorn walks around checking people's homework, then he comes to me.

"Miss Juliet, why haven't you done your homework?" Says Mr. Grunthorn.

"Well um, I was kinda... Well the truth is I'm just having a really bad day and I didn't do it." I say, giving him my best puppy dog face.

He scolds me and walks back to his desk. I let out a big sigh of relief. He didn't get that mad. But I spoke too soon. He comes back with a detention slip in his hand.

"I'm sorry you're having a bad day, but rules are rules." He says to me.

I stare at him in both shock and terror..

This is usually how my life pans out: I get into trouble every day and I try my hardest not to, even when I try to work extra hard I still get into trouble... So basically this is a short summary of my life. My name is Juliet Rose Marie. I'm 17 in my Junior year of highschool. I just got dumped by my now ex-boyfriend Thomas and life is damn hard. I try to get good grades and that's not easy. I live in California where the weather is super unpredictable. One day it could so cold and the next minute it could be super hot. My mom is a supermodel and got pregnant with me at 16 so now her and I look a lot alike and trust me that gets real annoying. My dad left when I was 2, then my mom got remarried to this rich guy who works as a lawyer and I never see him but I always see his money. I am an only child and I like it that way. I think my mom and stepdad like it that way too. I get lonely sometimes, but I always look for fun with my two best friends Chelsea and Mandy. I have known them both since 5th grade when I transferred schools, we get in fights sometimes but I know they always have my back. They are my family.

I mope through math sluggish and grumpy. The time drags on for what feels year's, finally

the bell rings. I walk outside across the campus and stare at my feet. I walk over to the snack bar and get a red slushie, and as I'm leaving the snack bar I turn the corner and my eye catches Thomas leaning up against the wall flirting with a girl. She is giggling, and blushing. Then he kisses her. I nearly have a melt down. I walk over to Thomas and tap him on the shoulder, he turns around to look at me with a smug smile and answers

"May I help you?"

"Hi honey remember me, your Ex- Girlfriend?" I say.

I smile sarcastically, and with that I pour my whole slushie over his head.

"I hope you feel as cold as you made me feel." I say.

I walk away feeling confident.

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