-That little Oddity-

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George Weasley sighed. Fred Weasley looked at him. ''Something wrong Georgie?'' 

George shook his head. 

''Nothing important just about some girl'' 

''Girl?'' Fred asked incredously. 

''Yes, a girl'' 


''Now i can't tell you that now can i?'' 

Fred rolled his eyes as he chucked a snowball at George. 

George shook snow out of his hair. 

''Remember the last time you kept a secret from me?'' 

George rolled his eyes. 

Fred can be quite annoying at times. At one time when George didn't tell him his secret. Once he found a note plastered to his broom with a drawing which said ''TELLME YOUR SECRET NITWIT'' and the drawing consists of George riding a horse which changed to a beautiful lady(the horse i mean) and when the drawing George was about to kiss the lady she turned back to a horse. Another time was whenever he went to the boys bathroom it would scream out ''LITTLE GEORGIE IS CHANGING THE DIAPER HE PEE WEE-ED IN'' And another Time...well you can say it's not good with the ladies. 

George rolled his eyes and said ''Okay fine, i will tell you but you should NOT tell another living soul about this?'' 

''Oh well, atleast i can tell it to Nearly Headless Nick'' Fred joked. 

George looked at Fred sternly.. 

''Kidding'' and he promised. 

''Fine'' George took a deep breath. 

Fred was leaning on the edge of his bench(they were outside in Hogwarts school compound) 

''Luna Lovegood'' 

Fred spluttered and laugh. 

''Good one George , now really'' 

George looked at him bewildered. 

''Luna Lovegood'' 

Fred shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. 

''Loony Lovegood? THE Loony Lovegood?'' 

''Don't call her that'' 

''Whatever, let's get some dinner'' Fred waved this off. 

George was bewildered he hadn't asked much more info in this subject. He usually did. 


''Do you know George Weasley Hermione?'' Luna snapped out of her reverie and asked Hermione; who had finally looked up and nodded. 

''You know, he isn't that bad looking'' Luna concluded. Hermione laughed and said ''No, he's not that bad'' 

They were sitting by the lake. 

Hermione was reading a book ,Harry and Ron were practising Quidditch and Ginny's off with her new boyfriend whose name she forget she swear that girl changes boyfriend more than the times we change ourclothes combined! ,whilst Luna was in her usual out of this world dreaming until now that is. 

''You think he likes me?'' 

This made Hermione's head snap up. 

''I guess so'' 

''He keeps on stealing glances whenever we're in the Great hall you know, breakfast times, lunch times, dinner times. He even chats with me when we're goingto our classes, he even offered to carry my books once'' 

Hermione's eyes widened.''Then i'm pretty sure he likes you Luna'' 

Luna beamed and sank back to her dream like state leaving Hermione to tthink of a plan 


The Great Hall looks as fantastic as ever. 

And Hermione and Fred Weasley crept up to the end of the Halls doors each with mistletoes clutched in their hands. 

They grinned evily and when they looked up they saw that they both have the same evil grins and mistletoe. 

Fred beckoned Hermione to come over and whisphered to her ''Who are those for?!'' 


''What why'?'' 

Hermione hesitated. 

Fred seemed impatient 

''why Hermione?'' 

''Because of George'' she blurted out. 

It was really unlike her to use her intelligence for this. But she really wanted to make Luna happy. 

Fred was shocked. 

''Well.. George'' 

''He has a crush on Luna too?! AWWW !'' 

''Ssh ! Quiet down ! Now we have to think of a plan to bring them together but what...'' they heard a merry whistling. 

They're heads snapped to Peeves' direction. 

That poltergeist was aiming blueberry tarts at unsuspecting students. 

Hermione and Fred looked at each other, beaming 


Luna didn't feel like eating that much. So she toyed around her food alot. And when someone asked if she wants some cake she refused, she still can't stop thinking about that ginger haired boy who sat across her with his eyes glued to her back. 

Hermione and Fred both creeped up to their victims both with big bowls of soup in their hands. 

''Hey Luna..'' 

''Hey George..'' 

''You want some?...'' 

''This is really good...'' 

They replied. 

''No thank you..'' 

''I'm full enough thanks'' 

And Hermione and Fred simultaneously 'accidentally' poured the soup in the victims laps and both apologized profusely. 

With perfect time George and Luna sat up and turned. 

Suddenly, Peeves held a branch of mistletoe and held itover the couple. 

''KISS KISS KISS'' he cackled. Even the Great Hall chanted and some of the teacher too. Most of them justlooked away. 

Luna blushed and George thought ''The hell with this'' and pecked Luna on the lips. 

The Great Hall was ringing of cat calls and cheers. 

Luna blushed even more and George thought how beautiful she looked like and without thinking pulled her into a hug. This made the Great Hall go crazy. 

Admist the chaos she whisphered quietly ''I love you George'' 

George was taken aback so much that he parted himself away from Luna. 

She looked abit hurt but he said ''I love you too Luna , My little oddity'' 

They didn't know the Great Hall was hanging on to theirevery word. So the Great Hall awww-ed and cheered. 

Hermione and Fred gave each other high-fives While Harry and Ron looked at each other amazed. 

Who knew?

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