5. 6 a.m.

22 1 2

- Violet Quinn -

"I guess we better get going." Niall says sadly.

"I had fun." I smiled. "We all need to hang out again sometime."

"Oh definitely!" They all agreed.

I said my goodbyes giving my friends hugs as they left. One person was still here. Harry.

"So." I rock back to my heels.

"So." He awkwardly puts his giant hands in his pockets.

"You should probably get going to. My appointment is early." I slightly laugh.

"But we just got alone time." He whined.

"We can cuddle." I grin.

"Tough guys don't cuddle Vi." I get butterflies when I hear my name.

I grab his hand walking to my room.

"Well you can be tough for everyone else." I say softly.

We get to my room and I turn on some music.

"I'm gonna change." I tell Harry. "Do you want shorts or something?"

He looks down at his jeans and laughs.

"Well if you don't mind."

"Okay one second." I quickly go to my brothers room and grab a pair of shorts.

I get back to my room and throw the shorts at Harry then walk to my closet. I decide to keep my t-shirt on then I put on some cotton shorts and take my hair down. I walk out and see a shirtless tattooed British boy lying in my bed.

How do you react to that? You don't.

He opens his arms and I gladly cuddle into him. I trace his tattoos seeing small goosebumps form making me smile.

"I like your tattoos." I attempt small talk.

"I like your face." He says sounding sleepy making me giggle.

"Goodnight Harry." I kiss him on the cheek then roll over.

"Night vi." I hear softly.


I wake up feeling arms around me. That was new. I quickly remembered the events from yesterday and realize I'm cuddling in my bed with a boy I just met yesterday. I'm taking this "life is short so have fun" thing too seriously. I roll over and take in his features. He looked so peaceful. The brown curls falling on his face, arms wrapped tight like he's scared to let go. It's quite beautiful. I cuddle into him and attempt to fall back asleep. I start to doze off when I hear his phone blaring making both of us jump. I peek and see him reaching for it.

"Hello?" He accent prominent and his groggy morning voice killing me.

"Mum it's 6 am here." He says. So he's talking to his mom.

"I'm at a mates house." He looks down at me and I pretend to be asleep.

"Nah just some other foreign exchange kid I met." He lies. "He's from Ireland."

"Mum it's great here, you'd love it." I can hear him smiling. "I met a girl yesterday."

I stir in my spot rolling over so he thinks I'm still asleep.

"Yeah she's really pretty. I'm hanging out with her today." I hear the smile in his voice. "Her name is Violet. Violet Quinn. Even her name is pretty."

"Maybe one day you can meet her. I'm just trying to get to know her." He laughs. "Okay well I'm gonna go back to sleep. I love you."

Then it gets quiet. I feel his arms wrap around mess he buries my face into his neck. I feel his hot breath tickling my neck giving me goosebumps.

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