-The Lily's Reign-

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He called her Mudblood. That single time. He regretted it. Every single time he saw her. 

He missed her tender eyes, her soft hair, her soft lips pursed in concentration. 

He missed the way she looked at him. Full of appreciation and trust. Things which his parents never showed him. She was absolutely stunning. There are no other words for it. 

But what he had done was the worst thing he could've done. So he decided to explain everything to her and tell her that... He loved her. 

Severus Snape began to make his way to the Gryffindorcommon rooms. He had caught her just as she was about to enter in the common room, he grasped her wrist softly. 

''Lily'' he whispered sadly. 

Lily Evans turned to face him with her eyes cold. 

''What Snape?'' 

He flinched. 

''I'm sorry. I really am.'' he looked at her eyes. Hoping that she would understand. 

Her glare softened albeit but she scowled. 

''I am NOT falling for that anymore Snape. Of all times i covered for you,stood up for you, this is how you repay me? Snape i am absolutely disgusted by you and your mangy death eater friends. I told you they were bad influence. But no, you went on cowering with them andif you have taken my advice THIS would've never happened'' she shrieked in frustration tears running down her face. 

''Lily...'' he faltered. 

''Please Snape i don't want to talk to you'' She turned and was entering the common room. 


Lily turned and glerad at him. 

''Lily Evans...i...i...Iwoofvu'' Severus was tongue tied andcompletely embarrassed. 


He took a deep breath and said slowly 

''Lily, I love you. With my heart. Hell all of my heart. I love you so much, i swear i can suffocate because i love you that much. Hell, if you don't forgive me i swearto the high heavens i'll chop my toes off or...or jump offthe Astronomy tower-'' 

Lily silenced him and said 

''You don't have to chop of your toes or jump off the Astronomy tower. I forguve you with all of my heart.'' she beamed even though tears were running down her face. 

Severus pulled her close and smelt her hair. Fresh strawberries. 

''I love you,Lily'' 

A muffled voice replied. 

''I fell inlove with that greasy haired, weak kneed kid too you know'' 

Severus eyes widened and her green eyes found the black. 

They stared at each other for a moment. 

''And i have always love that beautiful,bright and intelligent auburn haired girl that i had met''

-The Lily's Reign-Where stories live. Discover now