Alone together

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So after your friends left you and natsu just stayed there in an awkward silence and natsu was first to speak up
Natsu:(y/n ) I wanna tell you something....
(Y/n): sure natsu you can tell me anything
Natsu:ok mumbles here goes (y/n) I know I only been here for two days but I think I'm falling in love with you
(Y/n):i-i.....natsu cuts you off its ok you don't have to like me back I've been rejected a few times so I'm kinda used to it
(Y/n):no it's just that no boy has ever said that to me before
Natsu:eh!? Really but your so beautiful,nice,and funny who wouldn't love you
(Y/n):well it's mostly because know..suicidal *looks down*
Natsu starts crying why (y/n) why are you suicidal??
(Y/n): well it's because ever scince I was born my parents would abuse me because they thought i never should have been born and once they even tried to kill me and I couldn't take it anymore so I decided once I died that they would finally be happy
Natsu: but (y/n) didn't you think someone would come into your life and bring you out of the darkness your living in......I wanna do that for you I may not be from here but I at least wanna make you happy so whadda ya say do you love me back?
(Y/n): that is the exact natsu I fell in love with two years ago and yes I do love you...I always will
Natsu looks happy and embraces you with a bear hug you look shocked for a moment but you hug back and begin to cry into his shoulder
Natsu: (y/n) what's wrong??
(Y/n):I've never felt the warmth of someone else before and no it's not because your a fire wizard
Natsu:oh well in that case slowly backs away and runs at her therefore glomping her you start laughing
Natsu: it's adorable when you laugh you blush a dark red b-be q-quiet
Natsu: but why it's fun teasing you~
You pout and turn away from him but he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close and he whispers in your ear it's cute when you pout too he kisses your cheek and you blush even more then you ever have
Natsu:so cute!
(Y/n):oh be quiet
Natsu:but why if it true
Natsu thinks:she could be so dominant kinda like a tsundere it's so cute I wonder what it would be like if I took control over her hmm we'll have to try that one day now won't we~

Ending this chapter here but I'm just gonna say something bad happens in the next chpater and it involves Lucy so if you like nalu I suggest you don't read it bye bye~~

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