A Plan

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I have an idea! I'm going to randomly update until I get my life sorted out! Ya, that sounds about right... why am I listening to an anime song while writing a PJO/HOO fic? Ooooh, this is going to mess up my inner demigoddess. BTW, this'll be shorted than other chapters. Enjoy!

"Why isn't it going through? Why does the world hate me?" Percy groaned from next to Jason.

Jason flicked another drachma to his friend. "Bro, just try again."

Percy ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his green eyes tiredly before tossing the drachma back to Jason. He caught it with one hand outstretched before placing it back in his pocket.

"Thanks dude, but it won't work. This is my seventh try trying to reach Annabeth via Iris Message," Percy explained. 

He looked at the fountain inside the Poseidon cabin suspiciously. "It always worked before..." He started to wave his hand through the water absentmindedly, making it create small waves that sloshed back and forth in the small fountain. 

Jason looked at his friend concerned. After the events that happened earlier that day, Percy looked as if he had aged a couple years. He just seemed more... mellow. Almost tired like.

"...So do you know where these soul shard of yours might be?" Jason asked. 

Monsters like Moros always followed the same... pattern. Or same way of torturing their victims. If Jason could figure out what the pattern was, then he could use it against Moros and save Percy's soul before he slowly spiraled into what was inevitable pain, death, and doom. 

Oh, he was feeling the pressure now.

Percy swirled his fingers in the water. "Not really," he admitted. "But I have an idea. I heard somewhere that the number seven kinda sacred in some places. Powerful, even. And that's the number Moros split my soul in."

Percy bit his lip in thought. "There are the seven virtues and the seven deadly sins. For Moros, I'm going to go with the seven deadly sins. One soul for each sin, or one sin for each soul. Whichever you want. I think they'll be in the places connected to my past. As for the sins," Percy paused. "I really hope it isn't what I think it is."

Jason whistled. "Dude, you know your stuff. But how exactly do you know this?"

"One word, bro. Annabeth."

Jason nodded in agreement. "Okay. But what did you mean by you hope it isn't what you think it is?"

Percy tensed. The waves in the fountain suddenly grew more forceful. "Well," he started out carefully, "this is just a theory, but I think that because my soul's in seven, each one will have a sort of personality, or be its own person but combined with a sin? Like an incomplete version of me. I'm not sure, but I think these shards might be pieces of me. As in literal parts of me."

Jason though about it. Okay, Percy's thinking that there are seven other versions of him running around near his childhood home, and according to him, they're all manifestations of sins. Yep. I can deal with that.

"Okay," Jason said. "Then let's start."

Percy looked confused. "Start what?"

Jason grinned and clasped a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Pack your stuff. We're going soul hunting."

Short, I know. Sue me. I'm tired and ohmyGod it rained. Or sprinkled, whatever. But the thing is ohmyGod it rained. And I'm getting off track. But it rained. And I'm happy. Sooooooo ya. Adios!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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