Chapter 1: Angelica

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I was in a hurry to get home because I was all alone in the parking lot, and it was getting dark. I had to stay back at the school to help clean up to get extra credit and to help my friend work on a project. I called my cousin Louisse to see if she can give me a ride. I dialled her number and waited impatiently as her phone kept ringing but no one would pick up. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she answered up.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Yeah, hello? Um, hey Louisse, I know its late, but can you pick me up at my school?" I asked her, hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah sure, I guess. Where is it again?" I turned around the corner, about to answer, but then I ran into a what felt like a stupid brick wall! As I was rubbing my head, I cursed under my breath and began to pick up my belongings that scattered to the pavement around me. Then I notice another pair of hands helping me pick up my stuff. I look up to see that what I ran into wasn't just any stupid wall. I just ran into the most cutest guy I have ever seen in my life. He was tall, buff, and handsome. But there was one thing he had that other guys didn't have. Mesmerizing violet coloured, eyes. I came back to my senses when I realized that Louisse was screaming frantically into my ear through the phone. Without thinking, I hung up on her.

"Wow, you're eyes..." I accidentally mumbled out loud. He seemed pretty speechless about my eyes too. The reason I'm so hypnotized in him because I have pure violet eyes too. He handed me my things and our hands brushed against each other and electricity shook through my body and veins. We were both speechless, but he recovered first.

"Hello? Miss?" he asked waving a hand in front of my face like I was some kind of idiot. "Are you alright?" he looked concerned because I wasn't saying anything. I shook my head, trying to remember what my name was and where I was. When I remembered, I looked at him and flashed him an apologetic smile. Wow, what a way to meet someone. Especially a very cute someone. I thought to myself.

"Huh? Um, yeah I'm fine. Oh, jeez I am really clumsy, sorry about that."

"Oh no, that's my fault. I'm sorry." he said.

"I guess it's no one's fault."

"My name's Exequiel. What's yours?"

"Angelica." I answered, blushing like crazy. I bet my face is as red as a tomato.

"So, you said you needed a ride?" he asked with a devious smile. My face turned into a confused, blushing red tomato. That's what made him chuckle.

"How did you...?" I was so confused I couldn't finish my sentence. How did he know I needed a ride? Creepy...

"I have super hearing?" he said sarcastically, but the actual truth to that is that Exequiel was a Serena. He could sense his kind from miles away, but only in the water. That's why it's weird because he could sense Angelica on land. When their hands touched, even for a split second, he knew she was a Serena. His job is to look for his kind because he needed all the help his kingdom Atlantis could get because war is approaching. Two months time to be exact. He is looking for the one who has the Power of Poseidon. The Power of Poseidon involves two things. One gift the Power of Poseidon contains is that they can manipulate the water with the movement of their hands. The second power the gift of Poseidon involves is that they can talk to fish. Out loud or inside their head. Exequiel needs the Serena with the Power of Poseidon fast for the war against the Red Eyes: Bloodsucking, violent creatures with good looking features. It would much harder if he had to train her. Some Sereni, (multiple Serena) don't know that they can hold their breath longer than an Olympic swimmer. He then noticed angelica was looking at him up and down as if she's deciding something.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked.

" I'm deciding whether I should go with you or not. I mean, you seem nice and all but don't you think the scenario sounds kind of weird. Listen, it's getting dark, I'm all alone, and you're offering me a drive home even if I just met you? "

"I guess it does sound weird. How about we make a deal? I'll answer any of your questions if you let me drop you off. Besides that's what gentlemen do, right?" he winked. I was starting to wonder why he wanted to get me into his car. I finally took the bait and went into his car when he said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." In the most charming voice I have ever heard that made me melt.


Hey guys, this is my first book so please go easy on me :) im not really one for saying much so just a thank you and a good bye!

Dedicated to the #ShortAndSimplers crew and the real and true Angelica and Exequiel! You guys are the best!

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