Chapter 19

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I was in so much shocked at Adam's statement. I felt like I was in some kind of sick dream. There's no way anyone could actually be that twisted. I have never heard of anyone faking such a serious illness. This man has to be mentally ill. What was he thinking. How could you scare your caring son. He really thought you had a heart attack. What a vindictive person. That man needs Jesus badly. I had to find out what happened, so I asked Adam.

"What do you mean he faked a HEART ATTACK?!" I scared the last part.

"I went to the hospital to see him. He was laying in the bed watching tv. We were talking for a few hours, until his nurse came in. She told him he was free to go. I asked her if she thought it was too soon for that. She looked at me and said of course. Sensing my questioning eyes, she said he just had a mild pain ATTACK!" He yelled the last word.

I didn't understand this at all. A panic ATTACK is A LOT different from a heart ATTACK. This was becoming too much. I don't want to deal with this man for the rest of my life. He's a nutcase and a spiteful person. Maybe I should just call off the wedding. I can't be with someone who has a parent like his. So I started the hardest talk in my life.

"Babe you know I love you. You mean a whole lot to me. Since you and I have been together, I've never been, or felt so happy. You have brighten up my life in so many ways. You make me feel like I'm the prettiest girl in the world. You tell me beautiful when I look like a mess. You kiss me on the lips in the morning. Even when I have crust on the side of my mouth. I never have to cook, unless I want to. When I'm mad at you, you try and see tje argument from my point of view. You tell me how beautiful and special I am everyday. The way you stare at me when we're making love, as if you can see right through my soul. The sweet gestures you do for me everyday. You take care of me when I'm sick. You have even taken off work to care for me. I love you with all my heart. It's just that I can't deal with him for the rest of my life. I know I'm not marrying him, but he won't let you out of his grasp. We've had some wonderful times, I just think we should just part ways. I have always told you that I cannot deal with drama. I've dealt with enough from my childhood. I especially don't want my future kids to experience this. He is only going to get worse. There will probably be more fake heart attacks, or worse he'll try and fake his death. He doesn't want you to be happy or to have a happy life. Maybe you can teach him to allow you to be your own person. I just can't do this anymore. We're done. I'm sorry." At the end I couldn't see because the tears were blocking my view.

I wiped my eyes and left. I ran downstairs, out the door, I made sure to grab my car keys, and speed off in my car. I needed to go somewhere to think to be alone. I could still hear Adam's crying pleas to nit go. That he has nothing to do with us. I just didn't want to hear his voice any longer. I knew if I stayed at my house a minute longer, I would have changed my mind. I know I soud so cold hearted, I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm prone to migraines where I have been hospitalized for them. They had stopped a few years ago. I didn't want them coming back. I had to let Adam go. Maybe someone can deal with his father. I have to do what's best for both of us. He might not think it's the best thing right now but after some time he will. As I was driving my phone kept buzzing. I ignored it, I knew it was him, and that he was calling to beg for me back. Our wedding was suppose to be in a week to be exact. When that day comes it's going to be so hard. I will need at least two tubs of vanilla ice cream, some popcorn, and horror films.

After about two hours of driving, thinking, and listening to music, I decided to head home. I was sure Adam had left by now. The tears have stopped. I was all cried out. I felt so empty inside. I guess I'm just destined for a lifetime of loneliness. Heart we tried to succeed in love with relationships. We had a good run with Adam it just wasn't meant to be.

As I pulled up to my place my suspicions were right. Adam's car was no where in sight. A part of me was hoping I would be wrong. I knew Adam though. Once ge feels unwanted he'll leave and never come back. As I turned my car off I signed and got out. As I turned the key inside my front door, I heard music. I was thinking that he must have left the tv on when he left. Once I was finally in, I seen the most awestruck sight I've ever seen. Adam had roses shaped into hearts, our names in one. In the other was forever love. There were two candles on my table. Underneath the candles, was a red and black silky table cloth. I shut and locked the door behind me. Once the door was shut Adam appeared from inside the kitchen. I looked at him in surprise. He then turned on "Bended Knee by boyz II Men." That's when he cleared his voice and spoke.

"I know that you don't want to deal with him. I truly understand that. What I also understand is that, I've never felt this way about anyone. I love you more then I love anyone besides God. No one has ever told me that they were inlove with me. I asked God to send me the woman of my dreams. I am forever and eternity grateful to God for doing so. I know your scared and nervous about his antics. I would do anything to keep you. We can move away, change our names, and live off the grid. I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I am not letting you go without fighting for you. Without you the other half of my heart will be missing. I am begging that you don't give up on us. I can't lose you." He pleaded on bending knee.

I was so overwhelmed with everything, that I started to dizzy. Adam rushed to my side sat me down on a chair. He then went to get me water. After I drank some water Adam kept asking if I was ok. It was at that very moment where I was knocked from my stupidity. How could I give up on someone who I don't want to live without. Relationships and true love are going to have problems. I can't let the only man I have ever love slip away. He's mine and I'm his. Forget whatever has happened. I'm his weakness and he's my protector. My lover, best friend, and soulmate. I couldn't see life without him. Excuse my momentarily lapsed of judgment. This wedding is happening. God has a plan for us, and I won't ignore my heart any longer.

Once I was calm, Adam asked me if I would still marry him. In such an adorable way. I smiled at him and gave him my response.

"I'm fine thank you handsome. Yes of course I'll still marry you! I am so sorry for what I said early. You were right I was scared. I'm yours and your're mines. Forever and beyond. My life partner. I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"No need to apologize, like I said I understand. You just better be at that altar missy." He replied with laughter.

I laughed and pretended to think. Adam swooped me up and took me into the room.

"Wait! What about that delicious food I smell!" I squealed.

"We will get to that,after I make love to my woman Adam said.

He sure was a man of his word. We made love almost all night. We only stopped to eat. How could I have been so stupid. To almost lose him. I was giving his dad exactly what he wanted. Thank God sense was knocked back into me. I will marry the love of my life in a week! What a gloomy turned glorious day!!

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