Silvermoon and the Destiny

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                                                                      Chapter 1

                                                                  The Beginning

    " The day," said Whitestar, " The day when a new hero is born into our pack." Whitestar walked over to a pregnant female named Yellowpaw, gave her a confident look and said, " I can sense that one of your pups is going to be the new hero of the pack. I feel like one of them has the strength, power, and he will to save our pack from devistation." Yellowpaw gave Whitestar a worried, but glad look. Then Yellowpaw said, " Thank you for telling me that Whitestar. If one of my pups seems unusually different from the others, then it will be clear of which one is the hero of the pack." Whitestar walked away, as Yellowpaw cleaned her fur. Suddenly Yellowpaw's mate, Browntail, popped out of nowhere. " Hello Yellowtail. I brought you some food." " Thank you Browntail," said Yellowtail. He had a happy look on his face, which was unusual for Browntail. Yellowpaw asked, " Browntail, why do you look so happy today?" Browntail simply said, " Well, today I actually caught a squirrel, instead of the old finch or rat, haha." Yellowpaw giggled and rolled over.

    " I am going to sleep, goodnight Yellowpaw," said Browntail. " Goddnight," said Yellowpaw. Then Browntail muttered out, " you do know that if one of your pups is the hero of the pack, he will be in grave danger, you do realize that, right?" " Yes i do Browntail, i know how the Dark Pack will try and kill him." " The Dark Pack is an evil pack, were always on our guard to keep them out of our territory. It is driving all our fighters and patrolers crazy! They have no reason to venture into our lands, and were sick of it. But they are killers, we have to keep watch 24/7." " I know thay are evil," she said, " They are evil scoundrels that take our food, kill our young, and they are just plain nasty and horrible creatures!" Nodding in agreement to Yellowpaw's comment, he walked away saying, " Goodnight Yellowpaw, i will see you tomorrow at sunrise." " Goodnight Browntail."

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