Chapter 2

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Sorry it took so long, but im reaching the last mont of school, and things are getting tough and i barley have time to write. I know i said i was going to upload daily and all, but i said that before i started school. Sorry if i disapionted ( i think i spelled that wrong) you! Heres a chapter that should get you caught up in the mystery! Enjoy!


I woke up in the morning to the smell of something my parents would serve me every morning. Pancakes. I could smell the smooth butter and creamy syrup. I opened my eyes, and realized i was in a room that wasnt mine. What? I walked through the hallways of the house following the smell. I reached the kitchen. There was a lady in the kitchen. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Finally awake sleepy head! It noon already!" She said. Then it all came rushing back to me. The cottage in the woods. I had heard rumors about things in the woods but never about a cottage. How long had she been living here? Had it been a long time or only a little while? No one dared to go into the woods because of what they heard. Tales of people dying in there. I'll bet my parents are hosting a funeral for me, thinking that i had met the same fate as all the others. How had i survived. I had heard wolves in the woods and ignored the howls. The lady looked at me with concern.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. I realized that i had a kind of sad look on my face so smiled.

"I'm fine just thinking." She smiled back at me and continued to cook the pancakes. I felt something soft brushing against my leg and i looked down. It was the black cat. He meowed at me and brushed against my leg.

"Can you let the cat out, and watch him? He needs to use the bathroom.." I pulled on a coat and opened the door. I closed the door. When i turned around i saw the cat running into the woods.

"No! Stop!" I yelled. I ran after him. He ran through the woods and looked back at me once and a while. We were nearing voices, and the end of the woods, when he dived into a bush. I dived in after him. It was a pretty large bush. Inside the bush he meowed at me, then poked his head out of the side of the bush. I poked my head out to, and saw something I couldnt belive. It was my parents. Laughing. And running around with my 5 year old brother, and 4 year old sister. I had forgotten about them when i ran, wich i regretted, since i missed them. I seemed as though my parents didnt care that i was gone though. More love for my brother and sister i suppose. A tear ran down my cheek. The cat rubbed against me, and looked at me with a face that kind of said " Its alright. You've still got me don't you?" I smiled at him and pet him. He purred. I crawled out of the bush and let the cat lead me home again. He must go out here often to know the way so well. I opened the cottage to see the pancakes were ready, and the lady was sitting in front of her plate waiting.

"Did you have a good time in the woods?" She asked with a smile.

How did you know i was in the..."

"He runs in there alll the time to go people watching. You get used to it. Thats probably why he likes you so much. He's probably seen you out there before." She said as she cut me off. I just shrugged and sat down and ate. That was one smart cat. I stared at him for a while and he just tilted his head to the side, as if to say," What did i do wrong?" I just shugged. He winked. I rubbed my eyes but he just sat there staring at me with i swear what was a sly grin. There was more to this cat then the lady was letting on. I didnt know her and the cats name yet, but i was to tired from all that running still and was also to lazy to ask. That night i had dream that seemed all to familiar. I was looking out my window at my old house, and into the woods. I say two green eyes gleaming back at me. "The cat" i thought. How though?. I never knew him before, and i never remembered that happening. "Its only a dream" i told myself. But was it?


Dangit i went and titled my chapter. Aggggh

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