Confession 80

534 35 16

Now I'm gonna be honest here, I was a bad person before; I'm really mean, judgemental, very temperamental - all the bad traits of a bad person.

But when Michael became a part of my life, everything has changed - even the way how I act changed. Well, let's say I became more of a kinder person...

Reading my old messages to my friends, I'm really arrogant and rude...

But now, I became gentler and kinder... It's really hard to explain but, without Michael, I would always be the big meanie everyone knew. So I'm really grateful Michael is a part of my life.

Alright, before I get emotional here, I'll proceed to thanking all of you who are reading this book. I'm out of words to say, I just - THANK YOU. I'm really grateful for the 10K views. I know this maybe nothing to you, but this means a lot to me. You don't know the amount of joy I feel when somebody votes on my story...even if its only one vote, my day is already made. Thank you, once again.

Much love,
EmmeJaye ❤

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