The Key

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I opened my door slowly; It creaked loudly. I snuck past the small crack I made through the doorway.

As I tiptoed down the hall, I heard my sisters talking in Rose's room.

What they're talking about at 12:30pm?!

I leaned over and planted the side of my face against the door.

"....doing a project. Mother told me to tell you that since she refused, she doesn't want us telling her anything. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I heard Daisy say.


"YES Rose! I-"

"Shhhh...don't talk so loud..."

After that, they started whispering too low for me to hear.

What was THAT all about?

I tip toed away, very carefully not to let the floor creak.

If I was an attic key, where would I be?

I went past the kitchen to my mother's office. But it was locked.

Of course, I groaned, now I need to find TWO keys.

Although, Mother probably keeps her office key near her, I thought.

I walked back upstairs as quietly as I could and stood outside my mom's bedroom door. I opened it with caution and tip toed inside.

I looked in her drawers, but there was nothing but clothes. I searched in her closet, but there was only shoes and coats.

Then my eyes locked with her purse. It has to be in there...

I rattled my hand inside trying not to make loud noises. Just as I was about to give up, my hand grasp something hard and thin.
I shot my hand out to see a key in my hand.

Instantly I bolted downstairs to her office. I prayed that the key would work, and it did. It turned in my hand and opened the wooden door.

It was 1:23 am, I panicked looking at the clock on her desk.
Ferociously, I dug through the drawers and closets and shelves. Till finally, 5 minutes later, I saw a shiny key hidden between a stack of papers at the corner of her desk.

I grabbed it and read the label,
"Attic key".

I put it back and tiptoed upstairs.

I now know where it is, so I'll come back for it tomorrow.

A Past Better ForgottenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin