Chapter 18

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Author's POV

As Seohyun and Jungkook were waiting patiently, Taehyung's mom suddenly came.

"Taehyung-ah! Taehyung-ah Where is he?!" She yelled as she asked the nurse.

"Uhmm..May I ask..Are you in relative with Mr. Kim or Taehyung?" The nurse asked.

"Yes! Yes I am! I'm his mom! Can you plesee tell me what roim is he in?" She asked nervously as she bit her lips.

"Uhm..He's in room 246." The nurse said.

"Thank yoo so much." She said as she ran to find her son.

As Taehyung's mom was running, she saw Seohyun-ah with a guy.

"Seohyun-ah?" Taehyung's mom called out which made Seohyun flinch abit and as Seohyun saw Taehyung's mom she ran and gave her a hug.

After the hug. They both calmed and sat in a chair, Jungkook came and brought water for the both of them who were still abit crying.

"Kashamnida."  Taehyung's mom and Seohyun thanked Jungkook.

"Your welcome." Jungkook smiled.


"Uhm..Aunt." Seohyun called Taehyung's mom.

"Hmm?" Taehyung's mom looked at Seohyun nervously.

"May I ask..What's wrong with Taehyung? Cause I just realized..These days..He's been getting sick lately..May I know what's wronf with him?" Seohyun asked nervously as she bit her lips hard.

"Uhh..Well.." Taehyung's mom was about to tell when the doctor came out and they all stood up.

"Uhm..Who's the parent of Kim Taehyung?" The doctor called and asked.

"Me.. it's me." Taehyung's mom went to the doctor.

"Uhm..May I have a private talk with you?" The doctor asked and Taehyung's mom ju St nodded and went.

By the time the doctor was talking and things. Seohyun couldn't bear to not think of negative things about what's wrong with Taehyung and what's happening.

Jungkook noticed it and he tried his comforting her, and she somehow seemed to calm down.

Taehyung's mom came again, but this time Seohyun noticed somethi ng in her face she saw that Taehyung's mom cried more and had more puffier than before.

"Aunt..Why? What's wrong with him?" Seohyun seemed toget worried again and started tearing up..

"Seohyun-ah..I.." Seohyun started listening.

"I can't tell you.." Taehyung's mom said sadly.

"Hmm? Why not? Is it bad? Why? What's wrong with him? Please tell me. I have the rights to know. I'm his best friend since childhood..Aunt.." Seohyun explained herself as she stood there infront of Taehyung's mom crying hardly.

"Seohyun-ah..Calm down." Taehyung's mom said as she tried to calm her due to how fast Seohyun was talking and how Seohyun cried for her son.

Jungkook just stood beside Seohyun and comforted her, by rubbing her back and saying everything will be alright. She calmed and thought of something.

"Aunt..Can I go inside to see Taehyung?" Seohyun asked as she begged while tears were flowing like a river.

"Yea..You may." Taehyung's mom said as she told her to come along inside to check on how Taehyung was doing.

Jungkook's POV

"Hmm? Why not? Is it bad? Why? What's wrong with him? Please tell me. I havr the rights to know. I'm his best friend since childhood..Aunt.." Seohyun explained herself as she stood there crying infront of Taehyung's mom.

To be honest, I know this is not the right time but when she said Taehyung's her childhood best friend it sorta hurted me because she just calls me as her friend.

But I know this is not the right time to get jealous or anything (even though I'm not her boy friend, but still). So I didn't talk about it anyway.

I stood beside her and comforted her,by rubbing her back and saying everything will be alright, and finally she calmed.

"Aunt..Can I go inside and see Taehyung?" Seohyun asked as she begged while tears were flowing like a river.

" may.." Taehyung's mom said as she told Seohyun to come inside to see how Taehyung was doing.

I looked at Taehyung's mom and asked her if I can come in too and she just nodded and I followed her from behind.


As we finally went in I saw Taehyung suddenly wide-eyed. He looked very surprise to see us, but from what I saw to see Seohyun.

"S..S-Seohyun?" Taehyung stuttered as he looked surprised.

"T-Taehyung?! Are you okay?! How are you feeling now?! What happened?! Why were you-?!" Seohyun was speaking when she got cutted my Taehyung.

"Seohyun-ah.." Taehyung started then he looked at his mom then me. 

"Can you please go out for a minute? You too mom." Taehyung said as he looked at both of them.

"W-What? Why me? I'm asking you something Tae-?" And she got cutted again.

"Can you please just wait outside for a minute? I wnana talk to Jungkook." He saod as he looked at his mom then me, when he said my name I was surprised. Cause why me?

"*Sigh*...Fine.." Seohyun sigjed as she went out with Tarhyung's mom.

Now that they've both went out, it's just Taehyung and I left in the room. I sat down quietly since I didn't know what to say due to the awkward atmosphere spreading.

        ~~~~AFTER A FEW MINUTES~~~~

"Jungkook.." Taehyung started which made me flich and look at him.

"Hmm?" I looked and asked, due to the seriousness feel his giving.

"I wanted to tell you something..But I hope you can keep it as a secret between the both of us only..Can you?" He really looked so serious and so I just nodded and smiled warmly.

"The reason why Seohyun saw me laying down in the bathroom was..I was in bed then I went to the toilet for..Private things then suddenly my head started to hurt and I didn't know what to do..My head hurted real bad and I didn't know what to do and so I called Seohyun then after I called her I didn't realize I passed out already." He told me the whole story as I just listened.

"Then what happened? Wait..Why was your head paining. Maybe it was just a really bad head ache. Like a REALLY bad one." I told him nervously, but then he became silent.

"Why? Am I wrong?" I asked him nervously.

"You're wrong..I wish it was only that but..The thing is..Please keep this as a secret..That head paining thing I told you. It's..because..I..have..A my brain.." He said sadly as he cried, I was just there shocked from what he just said.

I didn't know what to reply and so I was just there having my mental breakdown moment, but the thing is why did he tell it to me? Why no Seohyun first? Doesn he trsut me that much? As I am his rival, but how could he?

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