Get Ready to Go.

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You woke up, your alarm beeping. It read 6:30am.  You felt Dean's arm around you.  You leaned over and kissed him. He groaned and rolled over.  You laughed quietly as you got out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants.  

" Get back in bed." Dean groaned. 

" Nope, we have things to do."  you said and went to go for the shower.  

" I SAID get back in here. You're making the bed cold!" Dean growled and strode over and scooped you up in his arms, carrying you back to bed. 

" Put me down you son of a bitch."  you half whispered half yelled. 

" Nope." he smirked. 

He dropped you on the bed and hopped in and wrapped his arms around you, so you couldn't move. 

" Grrhhph Please Dean we need to work on the case. " You muttered. 

" I love rock and roll..." Dean began to sing. 

" Dean..." you said rolling your eyes. 

" What a different song? Okay, uhhhh Im on the highway to hell..."  he sang. 

" No. DEAN!" you yelled. 

" CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOON!"  he sang louder. 

" DEAN WINCHESTER!"  you yelled, laughing.

" What?" he said looking at you, with his deep green eyes. 

" GET UP."  you said breathless. 

" Okay." he shrugged, and picked you up and got up and carried you throughout the bunker. Sam was standing out in the hall, his hair crazy and a blanket wrapped around him. 

" Wha why are you guys yelling?" Sam mumbled, rubbing his eyes. 

"Sammyboy help me!" you pleaded, reaching out to him with your hands. 

Sam looked at you for a second. Blinking a few times.  Before turning around  heading to his bedroom. 

" SAAAAMMM!"  You yelled and giggled. 

" Nope you can.. *Yawns* do it yourself."  Sam called from his room. 


" No, y/n I'm tired." Sam said. 

" Sam? Is that even you talking?" you said

"Sucks for you." Dean laughed. And ploped you on the couch, tackling you. 

" Dean! Oh my God you way a ton!"  you gasped, as he covered you with kisses. 

" Sorry.. .but not sorry." he shrugged. 

" You lazy bunch you two need to get ready and your not letting me." you pouted. 

" Awww baby girl. We don't have a case today." he mused. 

" What? What about the-" 

" The girl with the bloody face? Yeah made it up. Guess what today is?" Dean asked.

It took you a minute for you to remember.  " Our first hunt aniversery!"  you exclaimed. 

" Yup. And who forgot our aniversery?"  he frowned. 

" Me..." you said with a guilty pleasure. 

" So... who doesn't get pie?" Dean pressed.

" Whoa whoa whoa.. who said anything about not getting pie?" You said sitting up.

" You're right.. too harsh. But you will get punished.." Dean said, thoughtful. 

" Punished huh?" you grin.

"Yeah real good." he smirked. 

" Well then I better prepare for that then..."  you said getting up. 

" Well if you're thinking sex its not!" Dean called after you.

" Damn it." you muttered. 

" Love ya baby! Thats your punisment!" Dean said laughing.

" Whatever." you said and went to go get dressed for the special day. 

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