Story #1

115 7 1

Aries- Male
Taurus- Female
Gemini- Female
Cancer- Male
Leo- Male
Virgo- Female
Libra- Female
Scorpio- Male
Sagittarius- Male
Capricorn- Male
Aquarius- Female
Pisces- Female


"Will you shut up!" Aquarius shouted. "I will if we can go to Burger King!" Taurus stated, stubbornly crossing her arms. "Why fast food? Let's go to Little Caeser's Pizza!" Aries argued. Aquarius rolled her eyes.

"Can't you too get along?" "No." They said simultaneously."Let's get our food like hardcore survivalists and be savages," Sagittarius suggested.

"No offense Sag, but that's the worst idea ever," Gemini retorted. Sagittarius stuck his tongue out at her.

"Can we at least listen to some good music?" Virgo asks. They turn on some music only they've heard. "HEY HEY HEY THE DRIVER GETS TO PICK THE MUSIC!!!" Aquarius shouts. They change it to Adele and jam out. "Hands on the wheel!" Capricorn demands. "Hands off the wheel, so you crash and I don't have to be in contact with you losers much longer," Scorpio says to no one in particular.

Pisces is looking out the window at clouds. "Hey, Leo! Look at that cloud!" "What cloud?" "That one!" she says pointing. "I can't see it." Pisces ponders on this for a minute. "Hey Aqua! Roll the window down!"

Aquarius rolls the window down, and Pisces leans out. "That cloud!" She shouts. Just then, Scorpio pushes her out of the car window. "Wheeeeeeeee!"

"SCORPIO!!!!!!!!" Cancer screams. "Guys! Stop the car! Someone pushed Pisces out the window, and that someone is Scorpio!" "Really Scorpio? I'm starving!" Taurus yells. "She leaned out the window. And you just ate!!"

Aquarius makes a U-turn and they go back for Pisces. They find her playing with the grass and rocks on the side of the road. "Hey guys! What's up?" "Get in the car," Cancer says. "Hey Gemini! Look!" Sagittarius starts to eat the grass. "Ugh." Gemini turns away.

"We're here!" Aquarius says cheerfully. Everyone gets out. Aquarius locks the car. "See you losers later!" She says, driving away, leaving the other signs behind.

"Where are the menus?" Taurus asks, only to get slapped by Virgo.

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