8) Enervating

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As suspicious as I was about Big Boss' sudden approval for a project, I still can't believe he's giving me a brand spankin' new assignment

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As suspicious as I was about Big Boss' sudden approval for a project, I still can't believe he's giving me a brand spankin' new assignment. I sent the word "accept", as directed by the email, and leaned back in my chair.

Actually, the more I read the email, the less I'm starting to believe that it's a project. It's literally just me doing the same crap that I do everyday for someone else, and for the same amount of payment!

Corey, some dude in Management, is organizing this month's magazine, and he got to pick a team. For some reason, he chose Big Boss' department.

So I'm not working for Big Boss. I'm working for Corey, on a magazine that was supposed to be mine.

I have been played.


After a long, long, long 4 hours more, I was finally packing up. Emma called me a total of 8 times begging me to give her my credit card digits for something 'extremely urgent!!!' but refused to tell me the reason.

She kept threatening to come home early from her trip with her new boyfriend, but I just shrugged it off nonchalantly; even though the apartment's a mess and her clothes have all been used by me and Roxanne and I'm secretly terrified of the idea of her coming home early.

"Good night, Vi," Perla waved to me as she left me alone in the office.

I waved back, but kept my behind glued on that chair. Just seven minutes. Seven minutes and then I can go home and sleep. I don't understand why I can't just leave, the security guards can easily lock up the offices. There must be something about this type of mental abuse in the handbook.

Well... would anyone really be able to tell if I left five minutes early?

As slow as I possibly could, I packed up my stuff, rearranging it in my bag twice, even thrice.

I eyed the little hands ticking on my watch. I've used up about two minutes and I think it's time to go.

I sauntered to the door, shutting the door behind me. I've only done this once before and I got caught. No, the office wasn't looted, just a very snitchy security guard who felt like they were saving the office by tattling on me.

Freedom. Freedom. I'm finally—

Julian rushes out of an office and sees me. At first he's startled, but he quickly smiles and greets me with a "Hey!"

"Mr. Casablancas!" I try to make it look like I wasn't just about to start sprinting to the main doors. "Why aren't you at home yet?"

"We're stuck in here until Ryan gets us a lawyer to fix up the contracts. I mean, you were right, Vi, this company's sleezy as shit."

I didn't really say that, did I? I glance around the hallway to make sure nobody I knew was listening in on us.

"Yeah," I chuckled falsly, since I was freaking out inside. "I hope you don't stay too long, the break room closes at seven."

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