Whats going on?...

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I sigh setting on my bed next to alice I have been trying to wake her up for like 10 minutes but she still won't get up...WAIT I have a plan

"Alice wake up breakfast is ready"I say
"I don't care let me sleep"alice says
"Tyler is downstairs"I say
"I am up"Alice says
Literally jumping out of bed

We both walk out of my room and down stairs into the kitchen

"Good morning girls"dad says
"Good morning dad"I say
"Good morning minseok"Alice says calling my dad by his real name

"Did you girls have a nice sleep"mom asks
"Yes"I say
"Yeah I slept well"Alice says
"Where is Tyler"Alice asks
And I chuckle there is something up with these two
"He is in the living room"mom says
"Ok"Alice says before walking away

"Where is Taehyung at"I ask looking around the kitchen
"He is still asleep do you mind waking him up"mom asks
"Sure"I say standing up walking out of the kitchen and I walk up the stairs into taehyungs room
"Taehyung wake up"I say

"I am to tired"he says turning the other way
"Aahhh oh my god there is a fire"I yell
"What where"v yells setting up
"Haha I got you now come downstairs and eat some breakfast"I say
"Fine"taehyung says getting out of bed and following me back down stairs

"How did you get him up so quick"mom asks setting across from me at the table
"I told him there was a fire and he just jumped up"I say and I laugh and so does mom
"Hey that's not funny"taehyung says setting beside me
"You and your father are just alike"mom says
"No we're not he is to easy to fool I am not"v says

"Oh my god oh my god V help me there is a fire"I yell
"Ahh where"v yells
"Where is the fire"dad says waking into the kitchen
"There is none"I say
"I told you Taehyung is just like your father"mom says and I chuckle

I see Alice walk back into the kitchen and gets a cup of coffee before setting down at the table beside me
"Why did you want to know where Tyler was"I ask
"I just wanted to talk to him about something"Alice says
"Oh"I say there is definitely something going on with these two and I need to figure out what it is but I can't alone
"V"I say looking over at my older brother
How is he older then me when he acts like a 5 year old?
"Yeah"he asks with his mouth still full
"Can I see you for a second"I ask
"Sure"he says standing up and walking to the living room and I follow him and I set down on the couch next to him

"What's up little sis"he asks
"Have you noticed how alice is like always around Tyler"I ask
"Yeah"he says
"Well I want to find out why but I can't do that alone so will you help me please"I ask
"I don't have anything to do so sure I'll help you"v says

"Ok so the plan is the next time alice talks to Tyler we will sneak behind them and we will listen to what they are saying and then we will try to figure out what is going on from there"I say
"Ok I got it"v says
We both stand up and walk back in the kitchen like nothing happend
*later that day*
"Alice can I see you for a second"Tyler asks
"Sure"alice says and stands up and walks into the kitchen
"Are you ready"I whisper
"Yep lets go"v says
Me and v get up and we hide beside a wall
"When are we going to tell them that we are together"I hear Tyler ask
"Hopefully soon I just don't know how we are going to tell them that we have already been together for 3 months"Alice says
"I know but we are going to have to tell them soon"Tyler says
"Ok"Alice says
"Well why don't you go back out there so nobody thinks anything is going on"Tyler says
"Ok"Alice says and they kiss before Alice starts to walk out
"She is going to see us"I say
"Ok just follow me"v says
And he starts running to a room and I follow him
"I didn't even know we had this room"I say when v shuts the door

"I didn't know we had this room ether"v says
"I knew our house was really big but I didn't know that it was this big"I say looking around the room
"I know right"v says
"Look there is pictures of is from when we were younger"I say pointing to a picture
"I know this room is filled with pictures"v says
"Wait who is that"I say pointing to a picture of me,v,and some boy
"I can't remember but I think he was your first crush or something like that"v says
"Really"I say
"Yeah I'll kill him"v says looking at the picture
"V I was like 5"I say
"That doesn't matter I am your older brother I have to protect you from boys because I don't want your heart to be broken"v says putting his arm around my shoulder

"Aww that's so sweet"I say and smile
"I know that I am silly but I can be serious when I want to"v says
"I'm glad that I have a older brother like you"I say
"And I'm glad I have a younger sister like you"v says and smiles
"I love moments like these"I say
"Me two come here little sis"v says and pulls me in for a hug
"Hey by the way you better not start liking any of my friends when you meet them because if they break your heart I will break them"v says
"I promise I won't fall in love with any of your friends"I say and v smiles

"Aww look they had a big brother little sister moment"my mom says holding a camera
"You videoed the whole thing"I asked
"Yes how could I not that was such a cute overprotective big brother moment"my mom says with a huge smile on her face

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