Be Careful Making Wishes In The Dark

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Ok, so you know the old saying "be careful what you wish for?" Yeah well you really should listen to that because I sure as hell didn't and look where that got me. Stuck to Patrick Stumps leg, now this is probably most people's dream but when your leg has been stuck to the leg of your idol for the past three months it becomes incredibly annoying really. I have to go everywhere he goes, do everything he does, and trust me when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. . .

I guess before I get to far ahead of myself I should tell you how exactly I got into this mess.


"Shit, shit, shit, Im gunna be late. I'm Sooo getting fired."  I thought to my self as I practically sprinted down the street.
I was running about 15 minutes late, like always. I'm terrible at actually getting out of bed in the morning, which in turn causes me to be late to almost every single event or appointment I've ever had in my life.

I'm weaving through and dodging the massive crowd not even paying attention to what's in front of me, the only thought on my mind was getting to work. Not surprisingly I didn't see the giant hole the ground and like an idiot I face planted on the cement and everybody stared at me. Great. As I was getting up I saw something glisten from the bottom of the hole, I reached down to pick it up. The thing appeared to be a really old medallion or something of that sort. Cool! I shoved it in my pocket dusted off my jacket and proceeded to finish my sprint to work.

I got to work about like 45 minutes late. And as soon as I walked through the door I was greeted by the not so pleased face of my boss.

" Late again I see. .  .?" He said as he followed me to my desk.

" look I had a bit of a rough morning, I'm sorry sir it won't happen again."

" hah right. You said that yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. . ." He continued on and on, hovering over my shoulder as I tried to get set up for the day.

" Look I said I was sorry, can I please get to work now?" I snapped.

" Fine. But one more event like this and your fired, just keep that in mind." He stated bitterly as he walked back to his office.

Ugh. I hate this job so much but you know it's money in the bank so I guess it's not al that bad. I take out my headphones and put my music on shuffle, the first song being Novocaine by Fall Out Boy.

Man now why can't I be with them right now, just hanging out with Patrick Stump. Goofing off, making crappy music that nobody but us will ever hear. Man I wish I could do that. In fact I'd give anything to be anywhere but here right now.

With that I get to work. Struggling through my day until I could go home at 5 o'clock was hard, but I did it. And once my time was up, I sprinted out of that room faster than Brendon Urie when someone mentions Ryan.

I got home about an hour later and just collapsed onto my bed. I know I should probably take my shoes off and you know make dinner but I'm just gunna close my eyes for a few minutes. And with a sigh I almost immediately fall into a deep sleep. So much for the "few minutes" am I right?


I wake up what feels like an eternity later. Jesus how long was I out. I rub my eyes and groggily open them, staring up at the grey ceiling. Immediately panic floods my body, something is wrong, something doesn't feel right. I look up in the almost pitch black room and  the realization hits me, this isn't my ceiling.

"The fuck?" I mutter half under my breath as I sit up from the bed. I look down to realize this isn't my bed either. . .

"Okay, what the actual fuck is going on?" I say a little bit louder. But as soon as I finish speaking I hear some rustling coming from something next to me. I cover my mouth and remain completely still, I don't know what the hell is going on but id rather not be murdered right now. I sigh as the rustling stops and silence falls back into the room.

Well maybe I thought I was home when really I just crashed at a friends house. I mean I was pretty exhausted. I lay back down a little more calm now, when my leg starts itching a lot. I sigh and reach down to scratch it when again fear floods my entire body. I sit straight up in the bed and pull the blanket off to reveal my left leg somehow attached to the person laying next to me's leg.

" WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!??!" I scream and try to scurry away from the random person, but I could only get to the foot of the bed when the light flicks on and a girl with dark curly hair looks down at me.

I can see the panic on her face, great she probably thinks I'm trying to kill them or something.

" Who are you? How'd you get in my house?!" She whispers exchanging glances between me and who I can only assume is her husband.

"Look I have no idea, I went to sleep at my house and woke up here. I'm sorry"

She eyes my suspiciously then looks back at her husband, who is stirring awake now.

" Im sorry, if you'd just help me fix this situation I'll be happy to leave you guys alone. " I say pointing to my leg.

" Hey. why are you making so much noise babe, it's like 1 am" her husband sits up and groggily rubs his eyes, yawning in the process.

" Oh. My. God. " I stutter practically speechless. It's Patrick Stump. I'm in bed with Patrick Stump and Elisa. OHMYGOD  OHMYGOD  OHMYGOD.

His looks over at me and I see the instant confusion and mild fear in his eyes.

" Who are you. What the fuck are you doing in my house?!?" He starts to raise his voice. And I flinch away slightly.

" Look I'm sorry, I have no idea how this happened. I just woke up and I was here. Aaaand there's one other thing you should probably know."

I pull the blanket up to reveal that our legs are stuck together. He looks back up at me now extremely confused but slightly less angry. Maybe he could sense that I was being genuine and not an actual creeper.

" Well this is a first." He looks down at our legs, then up at me, then back at his wife. Who looked just about as confused as I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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