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May 8, 2020

10:38 am

Log 1

The computer screen flickered as it sparked to life. A young teen girl staring at its screen. At first she opened her mouth as to speak but with a deep sigh she decided against it. Her arm reaching over the contraption to turn it off. Something made her stop and sit back down facing the screen again. The teen sat staring at the screen with intense concentration, appearing as if she was arguing with her inner demons on how to proceed.

After what seemed like hours a snort escaped the girl's mouth, "What the hell it's not like you are actually recording and I ain't got nothing better to do." After re-positionung herself to a more comfortable position she continued, "Well it is the 2 yr. anniversary of my dad's death, 3 yr. anniversary of my sibling's death along with my mother's suicide, and 4 yr. anniversary of the invasion.

The invasion might have well of been the destruction of the Earth. The floor of the earth shook as buildings crumbled, most being reduced to ashes, and all I could do was stand and watch knowing that I caused the destruction. I started the end.

Oh ya did I mention that today was also my birthday."

The girl then stood chuckling as if unsure of what to do next and cut the power, unaware that the computer was recording the whole ordeal ever since she turned it on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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