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      So I wrote this a little bit ago while I was listening to hanging tree from The Hunger Games (Mockingjay) and I decided to post it... So yeah enjoy!
Katelyn POV
      Where the hell was Travis. I've been looking for him for hours, ever since he ran off to save some "damsel".
(Now I know what your thinking but I'm not jealous... I swear, it's just stupid for him to flirt with a girl as soon as he meets her)
        I'm looking through the village searching for this green eyed idiot when I hear screams, Travis's screams.
I follow them to the town square where a crowd is gathered. Pushing through the group of sweating workers and cheering soccer moms I finally get to the front.
        The stage is made of faded, splintering wood and in the middle is some sort of hanging device. It was basically a giant piece of wood attached to a rope and if the rope was pulled well... That was the end for the victims on the end with the noose around his neck. Finally I look at the victim. He had blonde hair that was so blonde it was white but despite this trait he was surprisingly tanned. His green eyes were filled with tears and... and something I have never seen on his face, fear.
Travis POV
      I didn't expect it to end like this, with a rope around my neck. I expected to die peacefully with someone I loved holding me or protecting Aphmau... or Katelyn. Where was Katelyn when I needed her.
"EH what in hell makes you think you can stop beast".
   You will not give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry... You will not.
"Come on little beast cry for me cry for your weak little life and maybe I'll let you go"
"Hell no"
I finally get a good look at the people leading me to my death. How could these people have beaten me? The one that spoke to me was short and scraggly, he wore and eyepatch and had a bowl haircut... You let a guy with a bowl haircut beat you Travis. The second guy was tall and slim. His beard was turning grey and he had no hair on the top of his head. He was missing multiple teeth and I thought I spotted a gold one.
"Ha... Hahahahhhahahhah"
"What in the world are you laughing at little beast" said my other taller captive.
"I'm laughing at the fact that I let a midget with a bowl haircut beat me"
" Ya won't be laughin in a few minutes, in fact I doubt you'll be speakin at all" says bowl haircut as he tightens the rope.
That's when I start to panic. I scream for help, I scream for Katelyn while clawing at the rope that bound my neck. And that's when the tears come. They're hot and fast. The man starts to laugh and continues pulling tighter and tighter... I start to black out still clawing at the rope necklace while my vision grows darker... And darker. Then I hear something, Katelyn calling my name.. Then I black out.

Hanging Tree (Travelyn)Where stories live. Discover now