Don't Stress Her!

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Marinette hurriedly exited her car and rushed into the hospital. People stared at her as she entered, whispering inaudible words to each other. She didn't care if she looked like a mess, all she currently care about was seeing Adrien, alive and well.

She made her way to the front desk and said, "Please, my husband, Adrien Agreste, can I see him?" Marinette impatiently tapped her foot as the nurse flipped through the pages of a booklet, searching for his name. She stopped briefly and turned to her, saying, "Mr. Agreste is in room 241, Mrs."

She thanked the nurse briefly before racing to the said room. Her heart and head were pounding in fear and worry; she didn't really know if he was in a critical condition. All she knows is that earlier, she was waiting for her husband to come home and celebrate their anniversary when suddenly, their home phone rang and a policeman informed her that Mr. Agreste got into a car accident and that he will be sent to a certain hospital. At first upon hearing the information, she felt numb. When everything sunk in, she instantly fell to her knees, crying. And so, she found herself rushing to the hospital.

She came to a stop in front of a door labelled 'Room 241'. She knocked a few times before entering the said room. Inside were a couple of nurses, a doctor, and a stitched up Adrien lying on the bed. She covered her mouth as she held back the tears threatening to spill.

The doctor signalled the nurses to leave the three of them alone. to which they complied. Once every nurse was out, the doctor began, "You are Mrs. Agreste, correct?"

Marinette sighed. "Yes, I am. Is my husband fine? Will he be okay?"

"He'll be fine, I assure you. Luckily, he doesn't  have major injuries, only a couple of deep wounds. Overall, he is all right, Mrs. Agreste." informed the doctor.

Marinette let out a relieved sigh upon hearing that her husband will be fine. "Thank you so much, Doc." she told him thankfully. The doctor merely shrugged her off and said, "No problem, Mrs. Agreste. Well, I'll leave the two of you alone for now."

The door clicked behind her as the doctor exited the room. Once she was left alone with her husband, she slowly approached his unconscious body. She pulled a chair over and sat on it. Her right hand reached out for his right hand, while her left brushed the strands of hair covering his face.

"I thought we lost you, Kitty," she muttered.

He cracked an eye open. "Well, you didn't, Milady."  Marinette flicked his forehead, making Adrien wince. "Ow!"

"Idiot. Don't make it seem like it's all a joke, Kitty. It's not funny."

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'm alive, see? Chat Noir of Paris is alive!" he said as he flexed his biceps to show off.

Marinette chuckled at his behavior and stared lovingly at him, while Adrien observed his body. "Wow, with my luck, it's a miracle I survived." he whispered. The heroine shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest and said, "What exactly happened, Mr. Agreste?"

Adrien averted his gaze from her. "Well, Mrs. Agreste...I somehow managed to crash my car to a brick wall. I don't know, I guess I got too excited to celebrate our anniversary."

"Next time, be careful. Sheesh-- don't stress a pregnant woman, Adrien!" she scolded him.

Just as he was about to reply back, he stopped as he stared at her with widened eyes. "W-Wait, you're pregnant?" he whispered. Marinette nodded as a reply as she smiled at him.

Silence engulfed the room for several seconds, Adrien was still processing the fact that he was going to be a father and Marinette intently watched Adrien's reaction.

Out of happiness, Adrien tried to sit down. "I'm going to be a father! Oh my--ow!" Marinette shook her head and helped her husband lie back down in his original position. "Be careful!" she hissed at him, but he wasn't listening. His gaze was on her stomach as he imagined their baby inside. Is it a boy or a girl? Will the baby have his looks or Marinette's? Will the baby be a hero like them someday? Just thinking about it makes him giddy inside.

Marinette's face heat up as Adrien reached for her stomach, rubbing it lovingly as he stared at it. "Hey there, I'm your Daddy!" he said enthusiastically.

She smiled and rubbed her stomach. "Hello there, I'm your Mommy!"

Author's Note:

Hey there everyone! So yeah, new one shot! In this one shot, Marinette is pregnant and Adrien got in a car accident, which caused Marinette to get stressed which is bad for the baby. Well, at least he's alive.

Anyways, thank you guys for everything! Also, if you do have requests, comment down below and I'll do my best to do it! I'd be glad to have someone request!

As always, thank you so much and have a nice day!

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