Super Pudge❤️❤️

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Pudge was a honey colored pug at the age of 3. He loved his owners Tayla  and Daniel dearly, but sometimes he really wanted to be free like a super-pug, but nope, he was house bound.
All the time Pudge would hear "Come here Pudgie Pudgie, it's dinner time!!!" Or " Naww Pudge, I love you so much.❤️".Tayla always said it in a High pitched voice.
Daniel hated pudge with a passion but loved Frosting the Poodle. Daniel wanted Frosting and Pudge to be married, but Tayla thought differently.Tayla wanted Kelsy and Pudge to have a happy life together.

Later that day Pudge bumped into A beautiful Corgi pup. Pudge instantly fell in love with her. "Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to walk into you I was just to busy on my salmon phone 6." Kelsy soothingly said "T-t-that's o-ok I'm s-sorry too. Bye, I guess." Pudge said stuttering. " Yeah, bye , Oh and by the way my name is Kelsy". That wording hit Pudge like a banana peel on the floor. "Pudge, Pudge the Pug", "Nice to meet you, Pudge". Pudge  had never spoken to a girl before because he never thought he had the balls to do it appart from this time when he went with his guts. Pudge went on with his day, chasing cats and squirrels but suddenly found him
self fighting against something strong, something dragging him further down.
Pudge thought this was the end...

Thanks for reading my story I didn't really know what to write about so yeah this is what I came up with💁🏻😊

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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