Chapter 4

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Hmm I think taurtis is suspicious oh we missed our first class well whatever "taurtis who was our first teacher?"I said staring at the class scedule "oh it was umm teacher tori....."he said looking confused "what?"I mumbled "he stared at me and replied "ummm......well she's kinda a goat lady .......yeah..." Grian turned around and said "what in the world is wrong with this school?" "No idea Grian first we met Igbar... Oh umm taurtis I mean we met umm did nothing heheheh" taurtis didn't replie he just slowly rolled his eyes and continued walking. Suddenly out of nowhere I heard Grian Yelp in pain"oww" I looked behind him to see Dom standing over Grian who had fallen to the floor "WHAT DO YOU WANT NERD"Dom shouted angrily Grian froze I tilted my head in confusion what was he doing before Dom could say another word dark red liquid began flowing from Grians amulet taurtis gasped backing away in fear Grians eyes just like last time turned blood red a iron knife appeared in his hand Dom backed away "MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER!!!!"he screamed his loud voice echoing through the hallway many students who were watching ran away a smile crept on Grians face he walked toward Dom and used his sharp knife to slice a deep wound into Doms flesh Dom screamed in pain and sorrow, the demon who was controlling Grian began chanting "death pain sorrow evil hell...." I couldn't take it anymore and I was about to shout at him when I heard a gun shot Grian fell to the ground he was shot by a guy with a dark black hat and a black suit on beside stood a girl around my age she had pink flowing hair with pink open eyes "Grian!!!"I screamed running over to him taurtis ran towards him to his hair was over his eyes he looked very sad I stared at Grian he was shot in the arm "G....Grian are you...." My voice couldn't continue talking taurtis put his hand on my shoulder when I finally thought he was dead a magical blue light apeared "what the..."taurtis mumbled staring at the light the light formed around my neck creating a blue amulet just like Grians "wow matching amulets I'm definitely shipping you and Grian now"he said grinning "my eyes widened "wh-what ship us?" I said slowly taking in what he was saying he just nodded I smiled and whispered to him "I.....ummm love Grian..." "Yes!!!"he replied smiling than he looked down at Grian and gasped he.....was awake "G....Grian"I mumbled he smiled and said "I....I....I love you to Sam...." My eyes blinked in confusion then I smiled and whispered "Igbar was right" "wait wait who in the world is Igbar Grian lifted his finger up pointing at a blue squid "Igbar!!"I said smiling "sup he said so finally worked out huh well I just need to say something to Grian alone so please leave, taurtis nodded and began walking away I followed him.

Grians PoV 

"What's wrong  igbar?" I mumbled I was still in pain he lifted his hand and all my wounds were gone I gasped in surprise "look Grian be careful this demon has entered you it's very strong okay learn to control it or it will control you you almost died today .....okay"he said sounding very serious I nodded and walked towards Sam and taurtis "hey what did Igbar want"Sam said looking at me "ummm... I don't wanna say...."I said looking to the ground "well we should go to class" taurtis said slowly walking away we both followed him wow were 20 minutes late oops we have gym now sure " hey Grian didn't you get shot are you okay?"Taurtis said stopping " Sam answered " umm Igbar probably healed him or something right grian " Sam said smiling I smiled back taurtis tilted his head then shrugged and entered the gym a man who looked very angry was standing there "MAGGOTS line up!!!!!! Today we are fighting" he screamed loudly  I froze fighting images flew through my head I cut Dom I almost hurt Sam I jumped back into reality when the teacher began talking again "MAGGOTS I have a list SAM will fight invader taurtis will fight Pepe silly fight j Grian fight jts and everyone else I don't care!" I froze wait jts was that big guy with an axe..... "Grian jts first fight okay!!!!" He shouted and began simultaneously doing push ups I shivered and stepped onto the conveniounly placed boxing ring jts laughed and ran in to punch me he hit my stomach I began coughing b...blood came out suddenly I heard a voice (let me take over I'll make you win) I didn't answer (you won't get hurt) it said  "no..."I whispered jts heard me "no what"he said laughing without thinking I began laughing "hahahahhaahahhahaha you think this is funny beating me up you think you strong your just some small peasant you are nothing face it hahahahhaahahhahaha "I said my eyes widened as I realised what I was saying I tryed to apologise but jts tryed to punch me however a blue force field stopped him I lightly pushed him away but he fell to the ground in pain I stared at my hands "wh....what I only pushed him lightly ....." You monster leave go you've won so get down here monster.... I looked at the person who was saying that it was a girl with a beard Sam said "G.....Grian c...come here ...,." His eyes were full of sadness taurtis was also the same he looked full of worry sadness and fear. I walked toward them I could feel piercing eyes looking at me however I kept my head to the ground.... I was sad i was scared the gym teacher walked toward Sam and taurtis and said "p...please take him home..." his voice sounded terrified am I really a monster ( yes Grian were bad well  show them)the dark voice said laughing maniacally "no stay away "I whispered quietly to make sure no one heard me . 


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