Kurt hummel imagine

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(OK so before I start I know kurt is gay but I still think he is adorable and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, so I hope you like)
You and Kurt  have been best friends since birth and the truth is......you were in love with him, and you were crushed when he told you he was gay, you had a fantasy in your head that you would one day get married and have kids..........but now? That dream had gone down the drain.
You and kurt were sat in a cafe waiting for some guy to come in. You see,kurt had been dragging you here at the same time everyday because he had a massive crush on some random guy who comes in at the same. This hurt you a lot, I mean he doesn't even know the guy. When he eventually came in,kurt couldn't take his eyes off of him, you got bored of him staring and ignoring you.........so you got up and left.
Once you got back to school,you went into the glee practice room (yes you were in glee but you were one of the shyer students) and started singing, once you were finished you could here clapping, you turned around to see kurt "you know? You should sing at the front of the class more often" Kurt said smiling while walking towards you. "Why aren't you at the cafe?" You ask
"Well my best friend left so I came to find her,why did you leave?"
"I just didn't feel comfortable" you say
"Feel comfortable? With what?" He asks, "with you staring at that boy" you admitted, "what do you mean? I thought you were comfortable with me being..........you know...........gay" he says. "No Kurt I'm not ............."
"I thought you were my friend? I thought you would support me?" He says hurt while walking towards the door. "No Kurt wait!" You say running after him "what?" He says stopping "it's not that I'm not comfortable with you being gay it's just that.............."
"It's just what?!" He shouts
"I LOVE YOU OK?!!" You shout. He stands there wide eyed "I have since we were little,I thought maybe we could be together but then you told me you were gay and............" You trail off
"(Y/n) why didn't you tell me?"
"Well I though if I told you,it would ruin our friendship so I didn't say anything" you say looking down. Suddenly you felt a pair of lips on yours "I love you too" he says pulling away
"But I thought..........."
"I was gay? Well I am but I love you too, I don't know how that works but I just go with it" he says laughing
You laugh with him."look (y/n) I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" You were shocked
"Of course I would" you say hugging him, suddenly you heard clapping, you turned around to see the rest of the glee club members "finally we though you would never get together" your best friend Mercedes says and everyone laughs including you two.
(OK I hope you like it,I know it's not my best but still.........hope ya liked it)

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