The Love of Blood

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I lurk in the shadows behind a rundown restaurant. The windows are dark with a filthy oily substance coating their surface. The bricks are worn, almost yellow.

You would think they would take some time to renovate the place.

A storm boils in the sky and pours its unpleasant liquid ice down unto the ground. I see my prey walking slowly in the moonlight from the shadows. Its waist curves into its backside alluringly. The smell of cigarettes and vodka seeps from her skin-lighting up my nostrils with hot fire.

"The moon is very bright tonight, no?" The woman looks at me with a glint behind her eye. She walks seductively up to my frame. I hear her heart hammer in nervous anticipation and It feels like a symphony.

"Yes, it is." I reply.

"Should we have some fun? The night is young." The woman saunters closer to me. She rubs her body up against mine in earnest. Her cigarette falls to the ground and her breath pounds my face. "I've been wanting you..."

Her hands begin to travel from my shoulders down slowly and carefully. She's Tracing my frame with a slight pressure from her fingertips.

What a tease-

"What are you willing to do?" I whisper in her ear. I let my hands travel down her back-- mimicking the feelings of torment she was giving me. I wanted her, but I wanted her dead.

"Surely you are a big and mighty man below..." She replies. I feel her hands reach my very erect groin. Her lip's part for a second as she takes in a short gasp-She begins to slowly rub the area-desperately trying to tease me. Her efforts are futile.

I feel nothing but my hunger. I am numb inside.

I grip her tightly. I need her. I need her to keep me alive. I need to taste her blood and I need to sink my fangs deep inside of her neck.

I kill to exist.

I whispered darkly in her ear, "I'm guessing you were wondering what it would feel like if I was not gentle..."

I wrenched her neck up to my mouth and licked the area. It was succulent and sweet- delicious and satisfying. I felt a familiar tingling sensation at the roof of my mouth. I was at the peak of my hunger... it had been so long since an ignorant human approached me...Fangs puncturing the roof of my mouth, I sank my teeth deep into her neck and began to feed upon her. She let out a squeal of delight. She squirmed in pleasure as her life was slowly drained from her body- even as she began to disintegrate into my hands. The woman fell through my fingertips not too shortly after I devoured every last drop of her existence. I felt her life source flow through me. It made my senses come alive once more with youth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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The Love of a Vampire By: CorinLove123Where stories live. Discover now