Chapter 12

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John POV

"No", I said rushing out of the hospital room. I couldn't stand it there, everyone with their pitiful looks.

"Please John, think about it", Sherlock and my mom said at the same time. They looked at each other for sine moment and then shook it off.

"I don't need a sonogram, I haven't vomited or had any other symptoms, so leave me alone", I said roughly heading to the receptionist. "Now please do sign me out, mom", I gave her a kind look.

She stepped forward roughly and took the pen and signed the release papers. We were heading out for the car when I felt a arm around my waist. I looked to my side and found Sherlock pulling me in, I put my arm around his waist. He smiled and kissed my forehead. From a distance I could see a smile creep in my mom's face.

We reached the car, me and Sherlock sat in the back while my mom took the drivers seat. The ride was long but comfortable having Sherlock next to me. We finally reached the house, I then saw my dad's car right outside.


"Have you talked to him yet?", I asked my mom getting out if the car.

"Yes, and if he is being rude he'll stay with Uncle Rudy", she smirked and kissed my forehead opening the door.

"You're evil", I joked with her. I saw Sherlock shyly stepping in the house, it was funny, Sherlock and shy usually don't go together. I took his hand and pulled him in the house rushing him to living room. I saw my sister and dad sitting in the couch, Harry was texting and dad was watching a movie. Play time!

"Eww, mom!", I screamed in disgust, Sherlock looked at me oddly, I winked at him, "why does it smell like rotten fish and a dying animal in the living room?", I yelled, Sherlock chuckled, but Harry tackled me down to the floor.

"I fucking dare you to say that again", she yelled as Sherlock and dad got her off of me.

"Rotten fish, rotten fish, rotten fish", I ran to the kitchen where she followed me, out mom was there so I was safe.

"Come here you little pussy!", she and I chased each other around the dining table.

"So you must like me a lot", I threw her a kiss and winked. She climbed on the table and got to my side and put her hands on my throat.

"Harriet, get off your brother", she pulled her off of me. She threw me the finger, "Up your ass, sweetheart", I winked again. She left and went upstairs, I turned to my mom gave me a disappointing look.

"What?", I shrugged.

"Get Sherlock away from your dad and move him in your room", she pushed me outside the kitchen into the living room. Sherlock and my dad were sitting in the couch in silence, Sherlock looked bored as hell.

"Lets go Sherlock, I'll show you around", I glanced at my dad who took a deep breath. "If his highness is ok with that", he gave me a warning look, I rolled my eyes. Me and Sherlock walked up the stairs, Sherlock was looking probably deducing everything.

"Sherlock?", I gripped his wrist. He turned around smiling at me.

"Yes?", he smiled still looking at all the pictures in the wall.

"Why are you looking at all the pictures?", I questioned him.

"I don't know, I just like to see pictures of you happy", he went towards a picture of me as a baby. I must of been a year old when they took that picture, we were at the beach in Spain. Both our parents were working but they got one day off and decided to take me and Harry to the beach. Sherlock wasn't looking at it more like examining it, he was looking deeply at it. He looked sad.

"You ok? Sherlock, love?", I shook him several times until he finally got out of his trance.

"Yeah, it's that you look so cute in this picture I got lost in your eyes", he put his arm around my neck and kissed me in the forehead.

"Right? Sure, but are you ok", I placed my head on his chest.

"Yes, of course why wouldn't I be", he put the pictures down and we started going to my room.

"Well course you looked kind of sad", we stepped into my room. Sherlock kept his head down hiding his sorrow, I lifted his head with my finger. His eyes were getting swollen with tears, he quickly turn his head away, willing the tears. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"What wrong? Please, Sherlock talk to me", I intertwined our fingers and looked at him.

He willed another tear off and spoke, "Its just that, I never had this...", he looked around and smiled sadly.

"A house?", I joked.

"No, of course I have a house, I meant a family, a real family", he walked to the swivel chair in the right words out.

"Look Sherlock, I know you went through a lot this past years, but Sherlock I will make one promise", I stood up and kneeled in front of him grabbing his knee. "Nothing will ever happen to you as long as we are together. No more lonely nights, alright not with me", I smiled, but he sobbed harder, I stood up and hugged him, I didn't let go for dear life.

"Please help me John, I can't do this anymore", he sobbed harder and holding me tighter.

"Do what Sherlock?", I let go of him and kneeled down to his face. He swallowed some tears.

"I can't continue living, I don't deserve it. Look at me an so weak and helpless, especially right now, selfless. You're the one in pain, your the one that just got of the hospital, not me", he sobbed and choked out every word.

"Sherlock, don't ever compare your pain with mine. Pain will always be pain, ok. You are not weak nor helpless, you are strong and brilliant and I want to help you. We're in this together, haven't you ever of 'My bullshit is your bullshit and your bullshit is my bullshit'", he laughed. I loved it when he laughed it seemed like ages that I've heard that laugh.

There was knock on the door which drove us out of trance.

"Come in", Sherlock stood up and turned around covering the tears.

"Sorry to interrupt put your mom says dinner is ready", my dad excused himself after ward. I looked back at Sherlock who's eyes were still glowing red.

"You wanna stay in here or have dinner with, which ever way they'll understand", I assured him.

"I'd rather stay, would be embarrassing if I came out like this", he turned to my bed and sat there looking at the floor.

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