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"A little jealousy is healthy in a relationship... it's always good to know that someone is afraid to lose you."


         Kev and I tended to have one birthday party for the both of us since our birthdays were so close. Our families had known each other really well. I was thinking. Kev's uncle died. My aunt died.

        They were the same age. Kev's uncle would never come to the parties because he always 'travelled', and Kev usually talked about Evan coming later during the week of the party to give him his gift. Therefore, Kev's uncle and my aunt, never communicated  that much.

        I wondered if that was a piece to the puzzle. Maybe they both knew one another, got into an argument, and never spoke again? I wouldn't know.  Kev's uncle did come to Kev's parties, but that was before I came along, and he only came to one party that Kev and I shared - the first one.

        When, he first saw Aunt Kayla, he turned so pale that he looked translucent, got sick in our bathroom, and then left without another word. I distinctly remember that on one day,  Mom and Aunt Kayla had told me to go to me room, to get me out of their way so they could talk, but I doubt it was about that.

        Maybe something bad happened, or Mom simply wanted to talk to Aunt Kayla about the party. I don't know. All I knew was that he never came to another party again. 

        After my brief flashback, I texted Kev. I asked him about the parties, but he was too excited about something else, and he soon told me he had a girlfriend. I threw my phone so hard at my bedroom wall that my dad, who was upstairs, stomped down the stairs, and walked right into my bedroom.

        "What the hell was that?" he yelled, his forehead crinkling.

         "Nothing... uh... something fell in my closet.," I managed to quickly reply, which got Dad to leave. I texted Kev again, and he explained who his girlfriend was and who she was friends with. She was friends with the one, the only... Jade. Great. It must've been Jade's revenge scheme. Crap.

          Now what? Was I meant to  tell Kev how I felt? No. He obviously didn't feel the same way about me as I did about him because he had a new girlfriend. She was friends with Jade... the person who has bullied me mercilessly, the one who was to blame for the days I would run home and lock myself in my room and cry for hours.

        I broke down. I lost my Aunt, now Kev? I had to tell him how I felt. It had to wait till the morning, so I could  tell him in person. I texted Kev one last time, simply to make plans to hang out tomorrow, which he agreed to.

         That was my chance.Tomorrow. Maybe he would change, and remember everything and feel the same way. Maybe.

        I woke up the next morning with butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Today was the day, I just had to tell Kev... I'll get through it, I'm a strong person. I continued with my self encouragement and soon enough, I heard the familiar knock on my bedroom window. 

         "Hey," I mumbled as I opened my bedroom window, "Come to the front door."

         "Okay," Kev replied. I let him in through the front door and led him to my room. Before I even shut the door I started the conversation. 

             "I'm jealous," I randomly spat out.

            "W-w-what?" He stuttered.

          With every ounce of bravery in my body, I choked out, "I like you."


           "I like you. I'm jealous of your girlfriend. Can't you see?"

            "Well... I've always liked you, I wanted to make you like me... I guess... it worked."

           He chuckled as if he wasn't taking it all seriously. I guess he didn't care.

        "Good," I replied awkwardly, followed by Kev, who changed the subject.

          "Okay, so you think Uncle Evan and..." There was a knock at the door. I walked to the door and turned the knob. There was no one there. Strange. Kev walked over and looked out too. Once we started heading back to the chair, Kev noticed a note on my desk.

          The word 'Correct' was written neatly in cursive. The writing belonged to the one person in my family who wrote everything in cursive... Aunt Kayla. What in the world...?

         "Kev, th-thi-this is Aunt Kayla's writing." My lips trembled as I spoke the undeniable words. "What is 'correct' supposed mean?" I asked, hands trembling as I held the note.

          Mom and Dad were home, so I went and asked them about the sheet of paper.

            "I don't know hun. I reckon you wrote it, and you forgot about it? I don't know," Dad grunted.

          "Maybe..." I replied, doubtfully. It was so ridiculous to think that I had written it. I didn't even know anymore, but that's when the outline of someone crept along the bottom of the basement stairs. That's when I fell unconscious.

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