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Marcel's POV

Rose has been acting weird lately. Especially around Harry. He better have not tried anything on her because I called dibs. And he knows that. She has something on her mind, that she's constantly thinking about. And it's pushing us apart. I dont know if she can feel it, but I sure can. But I guess that if she wants to talk about it, she'll do it when she's ready. 

I wish I knew what to do, I want to be there for her. I want to be one of the people that she can tell everything and anything to. I want to be more than her friend, but I'm a nerd. She would never go out with me. I stand no chance against Harry. Even without the glasses, and without my tweed sweater vest, Harry will always win. 

He has the looks naturally, he has the charm. He has everything. And I have nothing. He got the looks while I got the brains. Life sucks.

Harry's POV

Rose is just so perfect. She's unexplainable. I want her to know how i feel but, I cant do that without hurting Marce. I know, I'm thinking about my brother and actually caring about his feelings. I've been feeling so happy and nice lately, I've been putting other people's feelings before mine. All because of Rose. I feel like a whole new person around her. Like I could do no wrong. When actually, I'm doing everything wrong.

She doesnt want jewlrey, she doesnt want my money, she doesnt want anything to do with me. Somehow Marcel's doing everything right. He doesnt even get her anything. All they do is talk. I've watched them when she comes over. They sit in our room and talk. Sometimes they go to the park, but he never does anything fun with her. 

Rose isn't talking to Marcel much anymore. And she's not talking to me either. I dont know what I did. I've been trying to tell her how I feel in little ways but it isn't working. I just dont know what to do. She's pushing everyone away. Maybe I should give her some space. But I just really want to be close to her.

Apparently she's been talking to Gemma more. She comes over and goes straight to Gemma's room. I tried asking Gemma what they talk about but she just shrugs it off and says it's none of my busniess. And of course, it just sparks my curiosity even more. I've had some girls try to join their little group but they never got anything. So I gave up. 

It was two weeks until Gemma's birthday when Rose finally talked to me. 

"Hey Harold." 

"Hey beautiful." I winked. 

"Stop with the pick up lines. I'm only here to ask you what Gem would want for her birthday." Oh so that's how it is? Use me to help my sister? No way, you can figure it out yourself. 

"How am I supposed to know?! How bout you ask her for yourself." I spat and walked away. I turned around for a quick second and saw the look of hurt and disgust on Rose's face. 

Oh god. I just made things worse. 


I know it's short. I know I havent updated in a LONNNNNNGGGG time. It's just school and drama and all that good shit. I'm thinking about doing an Epologue and ending this thing. I might. Who knows. Tell me what you think? If I do end this I have amazing ideas and i've been practicing my writing for a new story. Not a fanfic really but a story. That i might get published. Would any of you read it? Comment what you think below. Thanks so much for waiting and I love you guys so much. Best fans in the world.  <3

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