Karen MacInnes

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Karen MacInnes, (as shown in the media above) was voted on PreTeen vogue's website #1 most beautiful bone structure. In the media above MacInnes is repping a David Bowie inspired feminist flag face paint (she is not naked in the photo for reference). We interviewed MacInnes on the drama going around with muser Karina Scalisi. We asked Karen on her previous and current relationships with Karina and she replied, "Me and Karina used to be very close but she  believed that I did something I didn't and decided she didn't like me anymore and in my mind that's not what a valuable friend would do, but as of now me and Karina are back on good terms- not necessarily as close as we used to be- and talk occasionally. I do enjoy speaking with her and we are fine being together."

After Karen spoke about Scalisi and the situation she went on to say, "What Karina says or does, doesn't effect my performance as an entertainer and I believe that nothing should ever be more important or change the way you act around people who supported you since day one." After that we asked Karen about her style and 'aesthetic' as the word she uses. "Black.... And expensive. Things that make me feel calm." Karen's style is unique and valued upon her followers and fans.

MacInnes started her channel a month ago and gained a whopping 36 subscribers from her few videos. We asked Karen what was to come for her channel and she replied, "I like original ideas. I want to start doing skits and things and that's what I've been working on. I'm limited to a few things and what ever I can do because of my age, but my goal is to produce something like 'The Forever Train' (PJ Ligouri, KickThePJ). I want to create things that if they weren't told in comedic fashion that adults- even- wouldn't want to sleep alone in the dark for days."

Positivity isn't mentioned much on Karen's social media, mostly honest feelings are expressed. We asked Karen why she doesn't post the 'positive light' sorts like other YouTube vloggers. "I want to be honest. Not everything is peaches and cream, and I hate when entertainers make it seem that way. I want my viewers to know its ok, not to be ok. And that they're not alone rather then forcing them into some sort of shiny new world they don't want to be in. It would be rude to try and force people to be happy, so I maintain an neutral attitude on social media, and use honest quotes instead of things that rub happiness in your face."

We also asked MacInnes what she frets about the most. "School-there's too much-, Family- don't see them enough-, sleep- don't get enough-, time- not enough-, and existential reality." All very relatable, yet personal statements.

Speaking of relatable, earlier this year Karen was questioned about LYING on social media. Rumors were spread saying things like 'Karen isn't honest, she doesn't actually like that she just talks about it cause she'll get views." Karen confirmed the accusations by saying, "that's how the industry works. I'm actually one of the most honest entertainers but let's face it my tumblr has three one direction reblogs on it and I don't know any one direction song written after 2014."

In conclusion 2015, has been conquered by Karen MacInnes, but what will the rest of 2016 hold for tired.exe?

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