Chapter 2

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Author's Note:

First of all, I would like to thank you all who have read my first chapter, and have showed the interest to return for the second chapter. I am really thankful for your support. I will work hard not to disappoint you.

Here is the second chapter of my story. It has nore flashbacks than the first one.

Hope you like it.



After dropping off Suzie at school, Martha walked back home.

Walking slowly, Martha took her time to notice her surroundings. Everywhere people were in a hurry. Hover boards and hover cars flying here and there, some going to work, some coming from work, and parents taking their children to school.

She saw another mother running after her child, telling him to slow down.

She smiled at the scene. It was just like when Suzie ran ahead of her, just like she used to run ahead of her mother when she was young.

She misses her mother. She misses how she used to force her to eat her food properly, how she used to pull her out of bed every morning to get her ready for school, how she used to sing lullabies every night to help her go to sleep.

She also misses how her mother would force her to go to shopping with her.

“Mom no stop it!” Martha would whine every time her mother used to sweetly call her with a bag in her hand and a coy smile on her face.

It was shopping time.

“Please Martha.” Her mom could say with puppy dog eye at Martha.

Martha frowned. Adults shouldn’t be allowed to use puppy eyes on kids for their selfish purposes, like forcing them to accompany to shopping.

“Mom please no!”

“Pleeeeaassseeee……….” This time her mother batted her eyelashes along with making puppy eyes. It was hilarious!

Martha could no longer hold her laughter back.

Laughing out loud she said “Okay mom stop. But I swear next time I won’t give in this easily.”

Mother could just smile.

Martha missed those days. She missed her mother’s puppy eyes.

She missed going shopping.

Here in the space station shopping was done directly from homes and the goods would be delivered by the teleporter. So she and little Suzie never had the chance to go shopping together.

But moreover, she missed her mother.

She loved her mother, but never realised how much, until the day of her funeral.

There were no burial grounds in the space station. Instead of burying, the dead were incinerated, and the ashes were released into outer space. This was the funeral given to everyone in the space station.

Memories Of Earth (#Wattys2016#JustWriteIt #EarthLove)Where stories live. Discover now