I Should, but Don't

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Sorry guys had some family stuff and finals and couldn't finish the chapter. I hope you guys enjoy the story and want me to continue it though! :)

 Valeria's POV

Loki and I continue to dance as the realization hits me. I should pull away and leave, but I don't. I move closer to him as he attempts to sing to the song horribly to make me laugh. My eyes trail to his lips and stay there. Loki notices and begins to lean down. I should stop him, but again I don't. I hold my breath and our lips touch.

"Valeria!" My Uncle Johnny yells. Loki and I separate as we here him round the corner and walk out sending Loki a glare immediately. He walks over to me. "You okay?" When I nod he continues, "You got to come see this. Everyone is trying to lift Thor's hammer and Tony is starting to pout." I smile and follow Uncle Johnny. I turn to look at Loki who is looking over the balcony.

That night my dreams don't hold terror. They hold a steamy session about Loki. Oh Odin help me.


I wake up late and walk out to see everyone looking tense. "What's up?" I ask before seeing Adam looking angry at Loki before turning his glare to me. "We need to talk," he say jaw tense. I nod before moving to my bedroom with him right on my heels. Before I shut my door I hear the front door shut knowing Jane, she made everyone leave to give me privacy.

"What do we need to talk about?" I ask.  Adam's jaw stays tense and he turns toward me.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" He asks while watching me closely. I open my mouth, but shut it quickly knowing I can't answer that. Adam gives a humorless chuckle and shakes his head. He mumbles something under his breath I can't hear. I got to put my hand on his shoulder and he quickly jerks it off. 

"Adam, it's not what you think,-" He cuts me off with a scoff and glare, before I continue, "We just had a bad ending and never finished our chapter is all. I swear," I swear it to him, but shouldn't. I know that Loki wasn't, isn't just a chapter. When Adam looks at me I don't see him, I see a face I never wanted to see again Victor's. I feel chills go up my spine, but don't move. Adam looks away again before sighing. He pulls me to him and kisses me. 

"I can't stand him being near you," he tells me. I give a small nod and reply, "He won't be here long he is only here to help us." Adam doesn't reply. I should reassure him, but I don't. After a few minutes Adam's phone goes off and he says he has to go. I know we aren't okay and for that reason I should follow him and tell him I will get rid of Loki, but again I don't. 

After an hour or so there is a knock on my door and Loki enters. He walks over and sit next to me on my bed. He looks nervous, Loki is never nervous.

"Are you alright?" He asks. I shrug and put my head in my hand for a second before pushing all my hair back. I care about Adam and I know I do. But do I love him? My heart has only sped up around Loki. I wish it wouldn't after Sigyn. But as I look at the god my stomach gets butterflies and I feel I can breath. Loki looks over at me, his eyes full of concern and love.

"He walked out quickly," he says. I give a small nod, but still don't say a word. It seems to worry Loki more. 

"I'm confused, but okay. I just need to figure some stuff out Loki." He nods his head and says, "If I were him I wouldn't have left knowing your thinking god knows what. I would have stayed and tried to fix whatever I did wrong or what you were trying to figure out." I smile and look over at him.

"What is I told you the only way for all this to be fixed was for you to put on a tiara and let me paint your nails?" I asked with a large smile. Loki chuckles and tells me, "Well I at least want to know what color you plan on putting on my nails first." I giggle and he gives me a breath taking smile. 

"I have missed your laugh and smile," he says quietly. I look away and blush. He pulls my face back up and keeps his hand on my cheek. I hold my breath and look at his lips. He leans in slowly so I can stop him, but I don't. As soon as our lips meet it feel like fireworks going off and a billion butterflies flying in my stomach. I should stop kissing him, but I don't.

Okay so what do you guys think so far?? 

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