The first Stitch of love

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Monday 2pm

I watched from my normal spot from above next to the Stitchers director Maggie, looking down at all the people bustling around getting ready for their next stitch, my eyes landed on Cameron, the coordinator as I called him, seeing him made my mind jolt back to the night before.

Sunday 11pm

"Hey Quincy what brings you into the Stitchers lab this late" Cameron asked as I entered "I'm here to get caught up on missed paper work due to my hospital stay the better question is what are you doing here" I said arching an eyebrow

"Recalibrating my control panel for easier flow" he said like I should have known that

"Aww" I said and headed up the staircase to the office

"Hey uh fisher want to join me for a drink" looking back at Cameron I saw he had two beers in his hand

'God did Cameron even know how sexual he could look holding beer bottles' shaking that thought out of my head "no have to do paperwork" I stammered and started going up the stairs two at a time"

Once safely inside the office with the door closed I sat at the meeting table and buried my face in my hands, I came here tonight to get away from the thoughts and dreams I've been having about him, to bury myself in so much paperwork I wouldn't have time to think about his beautiful eyes, his tantalizing laugh, the smile that just brightens up the room, his sexy body. "Dammit this isn't helping"

"What's not helping what" looking over I saw Cameron walk in and berated myself for talking out loud

"Don't you knock" I said

"No, and don't you need paperwork to do paperwork" Cameron asked sitting by me

I groaned "is there something you need" I grumbled

"Just thought I'd bring your beer to you, to have to drink well you do whatever it is your doing in here" Said Cameron looking over I saw him looking at me


"Nothing it's just you always get this twitch in your eye when your really annoyed and I find it cute" I blushed and said nothing, Looking down at my hands I wished he would just leave, I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard his chair pull out, but then I almost couldn't breath when there he was standing right next me when I looked up, his eyes glazed with want, without saying anything he moved my arms out of the way and slid onto my lap.

I was about to say something until Cameron put his finger up to my mouth "shh don't talk just enjoy" he said standing up a little a little to undo my belt buckle and my pants, reaching into my shorts he pulls out my already throbbing dick, which earned me a look from Cameron "well it looks like I'm not the only one who was in the mood" he said smiling wickedly, throwing all caution to the wind I made a small growl and grabbed the back of Cameron's head and pulled him in a for a deep kiss, we both moaned as we explored each other's mouths, reaching out I fumbled with Cameron's pants, finally getting them down, he was about to lift Cameron and sit him down on my dick when I realized I had no lube

"Don't worry about it I can take it" Cameron said reading my mind, after all I have seen sometimes I wondered what abilities these people had, my train on thought was broken though as Cameron took it upon himself and pushed himself down on my cock balls deep with a loud hiss of pain and pleasure as my cock pushed against his prostate

"Are you ok?" I asked worried, because if he was like me he's actually never fucked another man before just watched porn

"I'm fine" Cameron said still trying to catch his breath, "God you're an idiot sometimes" I said looking at him, he just smiled at me "but I'm your idiot" he said as he began to ride me, I couldn't believe how easily we just fit with each other, like none of this was new and it had been our lives forever, the look on Cameron's face everytime he pushed his prostate down on my dick made it very hard not to cum he looked so sexy and beautiful, reaching between us I started rubbing his cock only to have my hand shooed away, shaking his head "not tonight, tonight I'm here to pleasure you" Cameron purred as leaned forward and kissed my neck as he continued to quicken his pace on my cock, "your so beautiful" I said in a hazy voice, I had never felt pleasure like this ever, I didn't even care how loud his moans sounded in the empty building.

It wasn't long until we both couldn't hold it in anymore and came hard, I knew I should've asked before releasing my load into him but in the heat of the moment I forgot and by the look on his face, he didn't care,

"Your warm seed feels so good in my ass" he moaned like he knew again what I was thinking, I could feel my dick growing hard again, without pulling out I started standing up with him to lay him on the table so I could give him a good fuck when the ding of the elevator coming down sounded, part of me just wanted to ignore and fuck him anyway but decided against it and slowly lifted him up off my cock that felt so lonely now, but we didn't have time to think about it, so we both pulled up our pants, him going downstairs to his post as I pulled out paperwork.

Monday 2:30pm

"Earth to Fisher" jolting I looked over to see Maggie staring at me "did you hear anything we learned from that Stitch" she said hands on her hip staring daggers at me "did you even hear the name of our victim "no sorry" I said rubbing the back of my head" she sighed "I don't think you're well enough yet to be pulling the hours like before, your on mandatory leave for the rest of the week" she said glaring at me, I was going argue but I was to tired, nodding I grabbed my jacket and headed towards the elevator.

"Hey you ok" turning I saw Kirsten coming my way "Ya I'm fine just not up for all nighters anymore" I said holding up my paperwork, "uh-huh" she said "I don't know what happened here last night but I will find out" she said and turned and went to the locker room to change out of her "cat woman" suit. I moaned hoping that she would just forget about her plans for unravel plans.

Monday 5:00pm

Taking one last punch at the bag I held it in place and laid my forehead on it, no matter what amount of physical excursion I did I couldn't focus on anything but the night before, groaning I went inside to look through my fridge, which of course was empty. I was trying to decide between going out to get food or just letting in go when my phone rang, looking at the display my heart did a jump

"You need something" I answered

"I need you" Cameron said in a lest filled voice, "want to come over" he asked now innocent sounding, my heart felt like it was going blow up along with other parts of my body, obviously just hearing his voice was enough to get me excited

"How about dinner first, my treat" I asked trying to hide my nervousness of asking someone out on a date

"Such the gentleman, and yes that sounds lovely" he said happily over the phone which made me a little giddy inside, making plans on when and where to meet I hung up and went to shower and change.

Monday 6:00pm

He was already there by the time I got there, checking my watch I saw that I was right on time, so he could be early to something I thought amused, going up to his table I surprised myself "no need to get up" I said as he began to get up, leaning over I gave him a kiss on the cheek, which earned me a few awww from a nearby table, looking up I smiled at the elderly couple and hurriedly sat down.

He looked really handsome in the nice dinner suit he was wearing, though all I could think about was getting him home and ripping it off and fucking him till we both couldn't move.

Him smiling knowingly at me didn't help matters in the least

Looking at me seriously "what happened back there at work, I was worried when I heard you just took off, having regrets" he asked shyly, us both ignoring the food that was placed on the table

"No nothing like that... I just couldn't concentrate after you know last night" I said heat raising in my face

"It took every inch of my will to concentrate on that stitch but it had to be done, but work talk is for later right now it's just me and you" he said reaching across the table and taking my hand, squeezing his hand I brought it up to my mouth and kissed his knuckles "I hate to be rude but I'm starving" I said making Cameron laugh "me too" he said all smiles as we began to eat and make small talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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