Chapter 5 : Pt 1

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~ Jermaine ~

This was probably the tenth time I heard my phone vibrate in the space of 5 minutes, I finally picked it up and noticed all the missed calls were from Rose. Does this bitch not understand the meaning of vacation? I kissed my teeth before finally answering the phone.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes, 4 in..." Is she for real?

"What do you want?" I asked interrupting her.

"Well we finally got a hold of Miguel for that collaboration on your song Power Trip."

"For real!"  I exclaimed.

I wrote that song for Tia and it meant so much to me because it expressed all the pain and hurt I've been through to finally be back here with her and Miguel was the only guy I wanted singing the hook and chorus since she was a huge fan of him back in college.

"Yes Mr.Cole but the only time he can meet is tomorrow."

"Shit," I mumbled, "You sure he can't make it some other time?"

"Nope, so it's either you're here first thing in the morning or you find some other person to collab with, shall I send your jet?" She asked sounding pleased with herself.


I really didn't feel okay leaving Tia like this again but I just couldn't pass this up. I packed my little suitcase with the things I would need and put my number in Tia's phone. I kissed her forehead before leaving for L.A.

* The following morning *

~ B.J ~

I woke up to the smell of weed and alcohol. Tia and I  must have had a wild night last night if the place smelled like this.  I got out of bed and noticed panties on the floor. Did I fuck her too? Damn. I'm so hungover I don't remember shit. I made my way down the creaky stairs.

"Morning boo!" An unfamiliar voice escaped the kitchen. Who the hell is that?

"Who the hell are you?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Liyah." She smiled at me not phased by my question. " I guess someone had a little too much to drink." She wrapped her hands around my neck and tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.

"Where's Tia?" I asked confused.

"The girl you were arguing with at that restaurant?"

"I don't remember that." I stated flatly.

"I think that's because you had too many vodka shots." She handed me a cup of O.J but I put it right back on the counter, was this girl lying to me. I need to call Tia.

~ Tia ~

I rolled over in the comfy bed not wanting to get up, my phone had been ringing for a while now and I was hoping the person would just hang up or something but I guess they really needed to talk to me, I reached for the phone and answered it in the worst morning voice ever.

"Hello? "

"Tia?" the person on the other line questioned.


"What happened last night?" I sighed.

"Is this B.J"?

"Uh, ye."

"Well I really don't wanna talk to you right now." I hung up the phone and slowly got out of bed and noticed Jermaine wasn't on the floor still sleeping, surprisingly, I thought he would be tired but I guess he's just in the kitchen or something.

"Morning J." I said as I entered the kitchen but there was no one in there. "J?" I made my way to the living room and it was just as empty as the kitchen. This can't be happening. I half ran into the bedroom only to notice his suitcase gone.

"No,  no, no, no!" I screamed before breaking down in tears. How could I let him do this to me again. I stopped all my pity shit and wrecked everything I possibly could in this stupid hotel room out of anger. I grabbed my clothes from last night and left, I didn't  know where I was going but I definitely rather be any where but here.


Sorry its really short but I have to do my hair so sorry guys, nd tomorrow I have orientation for high school so wish me luck! 

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